[Debian-med-packaging] ugene_33.0+dfsg-1_amd64.changes REJECTED

Thorsten Alteholz ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org
Sun Jan 12 12:00:10 GMT 2020

Hi Andreas,

this package shall move from non-free to main. It is in non-free because
of the MCR/MRC license.
Of course this license is similar to the MIT license, but the authors
deliberately did not choose the well know MIT license text but their
own wording. So they also should not expect to get the same interpretation
of their text.

>From my point of view their wording does not allow to sell the software in
any way. Further, the license does not allow to distribute any modifications.

Last but not least ugene-data contains stuff like:
 samples/Swiss-Prot/D0VTW9.txt:CC   Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License
 samples/Swiss-Prot/P16152.txt:CC   Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License
 samples/Swiss-Prot/P01375.txt:CC   Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License

which are as well licenses not suitable for main. I also doubt that
upstream really has the copyright for the whole collection of data.

So, no, this software and the data do not belong to main.



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