[Debian-med-packaging] python3 PR for pdb2pqr

Drew Parsons dparsons at debian.org
Wed Mar 25 11:53:16 GMT 2020

On 2020-03-25 19:37, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Drew,
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 04:11:53PM +0800, Drew Parsons wrote:
>> Hi Andreas, I was looking in on the python 3 status of pdb2pqr, and 
>> saw
>> you've been making some python3 patches.
>> I saw also there's an upstream PR addressing python3 support,
>> https://github.com/Electrostatics/apbs-pdb2pqr/pull/516
> Cool.  I admit I had not checked this.  May be its helpful to drop
> my patches and apply this instead?

I imagine so.  Thomas Holder sounds confident that his PR is in good 
order, so using it will help align with upstream once they merge the PR.

>> Some of their patching is already in your patch but I'm not sure if 
>> it's
>> wholly the same.  So I thought to ask if this PR#516 is useful for you 
>> to
>> get pdb2pqr back into testing.
>> The pH-dependent H+ charging feature of pdb2pqr is what brought it to 
>> my
>> attention, I mean to look closer how they're doing that.
> It would be super helpful if you could take over.

I can do that.

> I'm swamped with COVID-19 organisation.  BTW, would you consider
> pdb2pqr COVID-19 relevant?  We could add it to our list than.

Potentially relevant. In principle it could be used, it depends on 
whether anyone is actually using it to model the COVID-19 proteins or 
RNA. I'd be happy to cooperate with anyone wanting to do that, but I'm 
not medical enough to know what the relevant proteins are that need 
computational study.


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