[Debian-med-packaging] [COVID-19] Please check python-numpy-groupies (Was: python-wordcloud_1.6.0+dfsg-1_amd64.changes REJECTED)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Sat Mar 28 06:16:20 GMT 2020

Hi Sean and other ftp team members,

On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 08:43:08AM -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:
> >     Currently the Debian Med team has lots of packages that are quite
> >     hot for fighting COVID-19.  Do you see any chance to mark these as
> >     more interesting for ftpmaster than others?  I would love to establish
> >     some communication channel what we as the Debian Med team consider
> >     important and what is not so important.  Currently r-cran-locfit is
> >     probably our most wanted package. In case you might find time to
> >     check r-cran-locfit in addition to the discussion in its WNPP bug
> >     I recommend to read this news about the new version:
> >       https://lists.debian.org/debian-r/2020/03/msg00023.html
> >     Thanks a lot for your attention, Andreas.
> Please consider sending a list of these packages to ftpmaster at debian.org
> or pinging #debian-ftp;

I'm just following your hint here starting with a single package
which is a precondition for other COVID-19 relevant packages.
I just reviewed and re-uploaded to new:

    python-numpy-groupies (0.9.10-2)

I've found a missing copyright entry (versioneer.py) and added this to

As a remark for your inspection: README.md contains a description how
the graphs in diagrams/* where created.  The *.docx file can be opened
with libreoffice.writer and simply displays all the graphs.  I think its
pretty easy to reproduce all this with free software and IMHO it is not
relevant to mention in d/copyright.

Kind regards and thank you for your work as ftp team member



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