[Debian-med-packaging] [gitlab at salsa.debian.org: srst2 | Pipeline #196156 has failed for master | 31e29937]

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Tue Nov 10 16:10:55 GMT 2020

Hi Étienne (and others),

do you know how to silence Salsa-CI about

    srst2-build-deps : Depends: bowtie2 which is a virtual package and is not provided by any available package

Disclaimer: I've never configured salsa-ci and have no idea
what to do.

Kind regards


----- Forwarded message from Debian GitLab <gitlab at salsa.debian.org> -----

Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2020 16:02:07 +0000
From: Debian GitLab <gitlab at salsa.debian.org>
Subject: srst2 | Pipeline #196156 has failed for master | 31e29937

Your pipeline has failed.

Project: srst2 ( https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/srst2 )
Branch: master ( https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/srst2/-/commits/master )

Commit: 31e29937 ( https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/srst2/-/commit/31e29937ea75470ba76303e770f367fa0ea3ee13 )
Commit Message: Restrict test architectures to those where bowt...
Commit Author: Andreas Tille ( https://salsa.debian.org/tille )

Pipeline #196156 ( https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/srst2/-/pipelines/196156 ) triggered by Andreas Tille ( https://salsa.debian.org/tille )
had 1 failed build.

Job #1153424 ( https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/srst2/-/jobs/1153424/raw )

Stage: build
Name: build i386

You're receiving this email because of your account on salsa.debian.org.

----- End forwarded message -----


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