[Debian-med-packaging] Processed: severity of 999515 is serious, severity of 999517 is serious, severity of 999522 is serious ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at bugs.debian.org
Sat Nov 20 05:09:13 GMT 2021
Processing commands for control at bugs.debian.org:
> # https://tracker.debian.org/news/1278745/accepted-numpy-11214-2-source-into-unstable/
> severity 999515 serious
Bug #999515 [src:imbalanced-learn] imbalanced-learn: FTBFS with numpy 1.21 (in experimental): dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p 3.9 returned exit code 13
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 999517 serious
Bug #999517 [src:qutip] qutip: FTBFS with numpy 1.21 (in experimental): distutils.errors.DistutilsError: Command '['/usr/bin/python3.9', '-m', 'pip', '--disable-pip-version-check', 'wheel', '--no-deps', '-w', '/tmp/tmpo4aol4ev', '--quiet', 'numpy<1.20,>=1.16.6']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 999522 serious
Bug #999522 [src:brian] brian: FTBFS with numpy 1.21 (in experimental): TypeError: logical_and() takes from 2 to 3 positional arguments but 1 were given
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 999523 serious
Bug #999523 [src:python-skbio] python-skbio: FTBFS with numpy 1.21 (in experimental): dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p 3.9 returned exit code 13
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 999524 serious
Bug #999524 [src:python-language-server] python-language-server: FTBFS with numpy 1.21 (in experimental): dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p 3.9 returned exit code 13
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 999525 serious
Bug #999525 [src:bmtk] bmtk: FTBFS with numpy 1.21 (in experimental): dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p 3.9 returned exit code 13
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 999526 serious
Bug #999526 [src:mdp] mdp: FTBFS with numpy 1.21 (in experimental): dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p 3.9 returned exit code 13
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 999527 serious
Bug #999527 [src:joblib] joblib: FTBFS with numpy 1.21 (in experimental): dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p 3.9 returned exit code 13
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 999528 serious
Bug #999528 [src:scikit-learn] scikit-learn: FTBFS with numpy 1.21 (in experimental): dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test -i python{version} -p 3.9 returned exit code 13
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 999530 serious
Bug #999530 [src:python-escript] python-escript: FTBFS with numpy 1.21 (in experimental): ImportError: cannot import name 'griddata' from 'matplotlib.mlab' (/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/matplotlib/mlab.py)
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 999532 serious
Bug #999532 [src:astroquery] astroquery: FTBFS with numpy 1.21 (in experimental): dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test -i python{version} -p 3.9 returned exit code 13
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 999535 serious
Bug #999535 [src:python-ltfatpy] python-ltfatpy: FTBFS with numpy 1.21 (in experimental): dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p 3.9 returned exit code 13
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 999538 serious
Bug #999538 [src:pytables] pytables: FTBFS with numpy 1.21 (in experimental): dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test -i python{version} -p 3.9 returned exit code 13
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 999539 serious
Bug #999539 [src:python-quantities] python-quantities: FTBFS with numpy 1.21 (in experimental): dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test -i python{version} -p 3.9 returned exit code 13
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
999515: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=999515
999517: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=999517
999522: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=999522
999523: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=999523
999524: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=999524
999525: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=999525
999526: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=999526
999527: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=999527
999528: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=999528
999530: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=999530
999532: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=999532
999535: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=999535
999538: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=999538
999539: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=999539
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at bugs.debian.org with problems
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