[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#1015368: civetweb: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled
Matthias Klose
doko at debian.org
Tue Jul 19 17:50:55 BST 2022
Package: src:civetweb
Version: 1.15+dfsg-3
Severity: minor
Tags: sid bookworm
User: debian-gcc at lists.debian.org
Usertags: ftbfs-lto
This package currently fails to build (at least on the amd64
architecture) with link time optimizations enabled. For a background
for LTO please see
The goal is to enable this optimization by default in an upcoming
Debian release in dpkg-buildflags for 64bit architectures. The goal
is to get this package to build with link time optimizations, or to
explicitly disable link time optimizations for this package build.
To reproduce the build failure, enable the lto optimization in
testing/unstable by adding "optimize=+lto" to DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS
in the debian/rules file, or if this macro is unset, just set it:
export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = optimize=+lto
Please try to fix the build with lto enabled, fixing the packaging or
forwarding the issue upstream. If the issue cannot be fixed,
explicitly disallow building the package with lto by adding to your
rules file:
export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = optimize=-lto
or adding that string to your existing setting of DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS.
The full build log can be found at:
The last lines of the build log are at the end of this report.
dh_dwz -a -O--buildsystem=cmake
dwz: debian/libcivetweb1/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcivetweb-cpp.so.1.15.0: DWARF compression not beneficial - old size 300788 new size 302852
dwz: debian/libcivetweb1/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcivetweb.so.1.15.0: DWARF compression not beneficial - old size 176176 new size 179219
dh_strip -a -O--buildsystem=cmake
dh_makeshlibs -a -O--buildsystem=cmake
dpkg-gensymbols: error: some symbols or patterns disappeared in the symbols file: see diff output below
dpkg-gensymbols: warning: debian/libcivetweb1/DEBIAN/symbols doesn't match completely debian/libcivetweb1.symbols.amd64
--- debian/libcivetweb1.symbols.amd64 (libcivetweb1_1.15+dfsg-3_amd64)
+++ dpkg-gensymbolsvJToHr 2022-06-10 09:08:28.654557538 +0000
@@ -46,30 +46,30 @@
_ZN12CivetHandler9handleGetEP11CivetServerP13mg_connectionPi at Base 1.15
_ZN12CivetHandler9handlePutEP11CivetServerP13mg_connection at Base 1.13
_ZN12CivetHandler9handlePutEP11CivetServerP13mg_connectionPi at Base 1.15
- _ZN12CivetHandlerD0Ev at Base 1.13
- _ZN12CivetHandlerD1Ev at Base 1.13
- _ZN12CivetHandlerD2Ev at Base 1.13
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZN12CivetHandlerD0Ev at Base 1.13
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZN12CivetHandlerD1Ev at Base 1.13
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZN12CivetHandlerD2Ev at Base 1.13
_ZN14CivetCallbacksC1Ev at Base 1.13
_ZN14CivetCallbacksC2Ev at Base 1.13
- _ZN14CivetExceptionD0Ev at Base 1.13
- _ZN14CivetExceptionD1Ev at Base 1.13
- _ZN14CivetExceptionD2Ev at Base 1.13
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZN14CivetExceptionD0Ev at Base 1.13
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZN14CivetExceptionD1Ev at Base 1.13
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZN14CivetExceptionD2Ev at Base 1.13
_ZN21CivetWebSocketHandler10handleDataEP11CivetServerP13mg_connectioniPcm at Base 1.13
_ZN21CivetWebSocketHandler11handleCloseEP11CivetServerPK13mg_connection at Base 1.13
_ZN21CivetWebSocketHandler16handleConnectionEP11CivetServerPK13mg_connection at Base 1.13
_ZN21CivetWebSocketHandler16handleReadyStateEP11CivetServerP13mg_connection at Base 1.13
- _ZN21CivetWebSocketHandlerD0Ev at Base 1.13
- _ZN21CivetWebSocketHandlerD1Ev at Base 1.13
- _ZN21CivetWebSocketHandlerD2Ev at Base 1.13
- _ZNSt12_Vector_baseI14mg_server_portSaIS0_EED1Ev at Base 1.15
- _ZNSt12_Vector_baseI14mg_server_portSaIS0_EED2Ev at Base 1.15
- _ZNSt12_Vector_baseIcSaIcEED1Ev at Base 1.13
- _ZNSt12_Vector_baseIcSaIcEED2Ev at Base 1.13
- _ZNSt6vectorI14mg_server_portSaIS0_EE17_M_default_appendEm at Base 1.15
- _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1IS3_EEPKcRKS3_ at Base 1.15
- _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC2IS3_EEPKcRKS3_ at Base 1.15
- _ZNSt8_Rb_treeIPK13mg_connectionSt4pairIKS2_N11CivetServer15CivetConnectionEESt10_Select1stIS7_ESt4lessIS2_ESaIS7_EE24_M_get_insert_unique_posERS4_ at Base 1.15
- _ZNSt8_Rb_treeIPK13mg_connectionSt4pairIKS2_N11CivetServer15CivetConnectionEESt10_Select1stIS7_ESt4lessIS2_ESaIS7_EE29_M_get_insert_hint_unique_posESt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIS7_ERS4_ at Base 1.15
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZN21CivetWebSocketHandlerD0Ev at Base 1.13
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZN21CivetWebSocketHandlerD1Ev at Base 1.13
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZN21CivetWebSocketHandlerD2Ev at Base 1.13
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZNSt12_Vector_baseI14mg_server_portSaIS0_EED1Ev at Base 1.15
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZNSt12_Vector_baseI14mg_server_portSaIS0_EED2Ev at Base 1.15
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZNSt12_Vector_baseIcSaIcEED1Ev at Base 1.13
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZNSt12_Vector_baseIcSaIcEED2Ev at Base 1.13
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZNSt6vectorI14mg_server_portSaIS0_EE17_M_default_appendEm at Base 1.15
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1IS3_EEPKcRKS3_ at Base 1.15
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC2IS3_EEPKcRKS3_ at Base 1.15
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZNSt8_Rb_treeIPK13mg_connectionSt4pairIKS2_N11CivetServer15CivetConnectionEESt10_Select1stIS7_ESt4lessIS2_ESaIS7_EE24_M_get_insert_unique_posERS4_ at Base 1.15
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZNSt8_Rb_treeIPK13mg_connectionSt4pairIKS2_N11CivetServer15CivetConnectionEESt10_Select1stIS7_ESt4lessIS2_ESaIS7_EE29_M_get_insert_hint_unique_posESt23_Rb_tree_const_iteratorIS7_ERS4_ at Base 1.15
_ZTI11CivetServer at Base 1.13
_ZTI12CivetHandler at Base 1.13
_ZTI14CivetException at Base 1.13
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
_ZTS21CivetWebSocketHandler at Base 1.13
_ZTV11CivetServer at Base 1.13
_ZTV12CivetHandler at Base 1.13
- _ZTV14CivetException at Base 1.13
+#MISSING: 1.15+dfsg-3# _ZTV14CivetException at Base 1.13
_ZTV21CivetWebSocketHandler at Base 1.13
libcivetweb.so.1 libcivetweb1 #MINVER#
mg_check_digest_access_authentication at Base 1
dh_makeshlibs: error: failing due to earlier errors
make: *** [debian/rules:19: binary] Error 25
dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules binary subprocess returned exit status 2
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