[Debian-med-packaging] You are in very big troubles & so you better read this

vmagallan at itcsa.net vmagallan at itcsa.net
Tue Nov 22 11:34:11 GMT 2022

Hey There,

Your information  from your  gadgets was  copied to  my very  own storing with  a assistance of my bespoken  virus  thru the  wireless  network, I  managed  to gain  admission to  your computer system  thru the  wi-fi device  which  you were  connected to, a  few weeks ago  & I currently  have  all the  passwords &  permission to  access your  social  networks  mail, contacts, and  so on. 

The authorised  driver type  and its  other on-line fingerprints  constantly alters  & is  not traceable  nor it's visible  by  other anti-virus  apps. 

There's  a lot  more to  that, though, I  also  have an  admission  to  your webcam in addition  to your  internet  browser history  and what  is happening  on your  display. Well  I  observed that  you love  to see  some  adult websites  and you  do this  often  & you probably  right now  know the  reason why  I hung  around this  long to  message you.  Hence anyway  I pasted  a  couple of  your wanking  videos together with  the display footage  and right  now I  desire an  oscar.  Now  it is  up  to you  to be able  to determine  if  this specific  video  together with a  lot of your private  info will  be revealed to  all your  contacts  social  network  close friends  or perhaps  not. I  am thinking  this  can  definitely  destroy your  reputation. 

However,  there is  definitely one  way to correct  this:  You will  need to  forward me 1500  $ (USD)  through BTC  (equivalent at  the day  of the  change itself). Once this will occur  I  guarantee to  get rid  of all  of your information  from my  internet  hosting storing  areas and  i will  forget about  you. My  BTC transaction address:  35w6vYjvkWELy2sjCpkSTfZyoG4BEd6AgX

Just  search on  line exactly how  purchase or  send btc  if you  don't  know-how. This  is a  trackable message  and i'll  find out  when  it's open.  The email  is likewise not  tracked &  there is  no point in answering  me. You  got now 2 days from  the time  you read it  to  transmit  me the  funds. 

Your computer  data will  likely be released  to the  public if  you try get in  touch with  police force or  seek other  3rd party  solution, &  there is  also zero  reason  for changing  passwords  to your  social networks, devices,  or whatever,  as i  have already  downloaded every  single thing  to  the host. 

Now  it's your call  to either  behave stupid  or think about  your possible  destiny &  play smart.

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