[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#1020473: Ready to Implement

Soren Stoutner soren at stoutner.com
Fri Mar 31 19:57:20 BST 2023

The dependencies are finally in place so this can be implemented.

To make things simpler for dictionary packagers, we are using a virtual package and an 
unversioned path for the conversion tool so that dictionary packagers don’t have to make 
modifications to their packages when the versions of Qt change in Debian.

All you should need to do is the following:

1.  Build-depend on `convert-bdic`.
2.  Use /usr/bin/convert-bdic to do the dictionary conversion.
3.  Place the .bdic files in /usr/share/hunspell-bdic.

More detailed information can be found in the dictionary packager documentation at:




Soren Stoutner
soren at stoutner.com
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