[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#1062427: ghmm: NMU diff for 64-bit time_t transition

Lukas Märdian slyon at debian.org
Thu Feb 1 10:27:43 GMT 2024

Dear maintainer,

please note that ghmm seems to FTBFS for a reason unrelated to this NMU:

dh_install: warning: Cannot find (any matches for) "usr/lib/python3*/site-packages/*" (tried in ., debian/tmp)

dh_install: warning: ghmm missing files: usr/lib/python3*/site-packages/*
dh_install: error: missing files, aborting
make[1]: *** [debian/rules:15: override_dh_install] Error 255
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/slyon/time_t/ghmm-0.9~rc3'
make: *** [debian/rules:9: binary] Error 2
dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules binary subprocess returned exit status 2

The python files seem to be generated in wrong directory (see tree below).


slyon at sid-time-t:~/time_t/ghmm-0.9~rc3$ tree debian/tmp/
└── usr
    ├── bin
    │   ├── cluster
    │   ├── ghmm-config
    │   ├── probdist
    │   ├── scluster
    │   └── smix_hmm
    ├── include
    │   └── ghmm
    │       ├── cfbgibbs.h
    │       ├── cluster.h
    │       ├── discrime.h
    │       ├── fbgibbs.h
    │       ├── foba.h
    │       ├── ghmmconfig.h
    │       ├── ghmm.h
    │       ├── gradescent.h
    │       ├── kbest.h
    │       ├── model.h
    │       ├── obsolete.h
    │       ├── pmodel.h
    │       ├── psequence.h
    │       ├── pviterbi.h
    │       ├── pviterbi_propagate.h
    │       ├── reestimate.h
    │       ├── rng.h
    │       ├── scanner.h
    │       ├── scluster.h
    │       ├── sdfoba.h
    │       ├── sdmodel.h
    │       ├── sequence.h
    │       ├── sfoba.h
    │       ├── sgenerate.h
    │       ├── smap_classify.h
    │       ├── smixturehmm.h
    │       ├── smodel.h
    │       ├── sreestimate.h
    │       ├── sviterbi.h
    │       ├── unsupported.h
    │       ├── viterbi.h
    │       ├── xmlreader.h
    │       └── xmlwriter.h
    ├── lib
    │   └── x86_64-linux-gnu
    │       ├── libghmm.a
    │       ├── libghmm.la
    │       ├── libghmm.so -> libghmm.so.1.0.0
    │       ├── libghmm.so.1 -> libghmm.so.1.0.0
    │       └── libghmm.so.1.0.0
    ├── local
    │   ├── bin
    │   │   └── HMMEd
    │   └── lib
    │       └── python3.11
    │           └── dist-packages
    │               ├── ghmmwrapper-0.8-py3.11-linux-x86_64.egg
    │               │   ├── class_change.py
    │               │   ├── EGG-INFO
    │               │   │   ├── dependency_links.txt
    │               │   │   ├── native_libs.txt
    │               │   │   ├── not-zip-safe
    │               │   │   ├── PKG-INFO
    │               │   │   ├── SOURCES.txt
    │               │   │   └── top_level.txt
    │               │   ├── ghmmhelper.py
    │               │   ├── ghmm.py
    │               │   ├── _ghmmwrapper.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so
    │               │   ├── _ghmmwrapper.py
    │               │   ├── ghmmwrapper.py
    │               │   ├── modhmmer.py
    │               │   └── __pycache__
    │               │       ├── class_change.cpython-311.pyc
    │               │       ├── ghmm.cpython-311.pyc
    │               │       ├── ghmmhelper.cpython-311.pyc
    │               │       ├── _ghmmwrapper.cpython-311.pyc
    │               │       ├── ghmmwrapper.cpython-311.pyc
    │               │       └── modhmmer.cpython-311.pyc
    │               └── HMMEd-0.8-py3.11.egg
    └── share
        └── ghmm
            └── ghmm.dtd.1.0

17 directories, 65 files

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