[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#1071777: python-array-api-compat: FTBFS: ImportError: Failed to load PyTorch C extensions

Santiago Vila sanvila at debian.org
Fri May 24 20:36:11 BST 2024

Package: src:python-array-api-compat
Version: 1.4-1
Severity: serious
Tags: ftbfs

Dear maintainer:

During a rebuild of all packages in unstable, your package failed to build:

  debian/rules binary
dh binary --with python3 --buildsystem=pybuild
    dh_update_autotools_config -O--buildsystem=pybuild
    dh_autoreconf -O--buildsystem=pybuild
    dh_auto_configure -O--buildsystem=pybuild
I: pybuild base:311: python3.12 setup.py config
running config
I: pybuild base:311: python3.11 setup.py config
running config
    dh_auto_build -O--buildsystem=pybuild
I: pybuild base:311: /usr/bin/python3.12 setup.py build
running build
running build_py
creating /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.12_array_api_compat/build/array_api_compat

[... snipped ...]

     # https://github.com/pytorch/multipy/blob/d60f34ad38c371e441fe7ffdb77a3c3dda5a5d19/multipy/runtime/interpreter/interpreter_impl.cpp#L134-L137
     def _running_with_deploy():
         return sys.modules.get("torch._meta_registrations", None) is object
     from ._utils import _import_dotted_name, classproperty
     from ._utils_internal import get_file_path, prepare_multiprocessing_environment, \
     # TODO(torch_deploy) figure out how to freeze version.py in fbcode build
     if _running_with_deploy():
         __version__ = "torch-deploy-1.8"
         from .torch_version import __version__ as __version__
     from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, TYPE_CHECKING, Union, List
     import builtins
     __all__ = [
         'typename', 'is_tensor', 'is_storage',
         'set_default_tensor_type', 'set_default_device',
         'set_rng_state', 'get_rng_state', 'manual_seed', 'initial_seed', 'seed',
         'save', 'load', 'set_printoptions', 'chunk', 'split', 'stack', 'matmul',
         'no_grad', 'enable_grad', 'rand', 'randn', 'inference_mode',
         'DoubleStorage', 'FloatStorage', 'LongStorage', 'IntStorage',
         'ShortStorage', 'CharStorage', 'ByteStorage', 'BoolStorage',
         'TypedStorage', 'UntypedStorage',
         'DoubleTensor', 'FloatTensor', 'LongTensor', 'IntTensor',
         'ShortTensor', 'CharTensor', 'ByteTensor', 'BoolTensor', 'Tensor',
         'lobpcg', 'use_deterministic_algorithms',
         'set_deterministic_debug_mode', 'get_deterministic_debug_mode',
         'set_float32_matmul_precision', 'get_float32_matmul_precision',
         'set_warn_always', 'is_warn_always_enabled', 'SymInt', 'SymFloat',
         'SymBool', 'sym_not',
         'sym_int', 'sym_float', 'sym_max', 'sym_min', 'compile', 'vmap',
     # Load the extension module
     if sys.platform == 'win32':
         pfiles_path = os.getenv('ProgramFiles', 'C:\\Program Files')
         py_dll_path = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, 'Library', 'bin')
         th_dll_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'lib')
         # When users create a virtualenv that inherits the base environment,
         # we will need to add the corresponding library directory into
         # DLL search directories. Otherwise, it will rely on `PATH` which
         # is dependent on user settings.
         if sys.exec_prefix != sys.base_exec_prefix:
             base_py_dll_path = os.path.join(sys.base_exec_prefix, 'Library', 'bin')
             base_py_dll_path = ''
         dll_paths = list(filter(os.path.exists, [th_dll_path, py_dll_path, base_py_dll_path]))
         if all(not os.path.exists(os.path.join(p, 'nvToolsExt64_1.dll')) for p in dll_paths):
             nvtoolsext_dll_path = os.path.join(
                 os.getenv('NVTOOLSEXT_PATH', os.path.join(pfiles_path, 'NVIDIA Corporation', 'NvToolsExt')), 'bin', 'x64')
             nvtoolsext_dll_path = ''
         from .version import cuda as cuda_version
         import glob
         if cuda_version and all(not glob.glob(os.path.join(p, 'cudart64*.dll')) for p in dll_paths):
             cuda_version_1 = cuda_version.replace('.', '_')
             cuda_path_var = 'CUDA_PATH_V' + cuda_version_1
             default_path = os.path.join(pfiles_path, 'NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit', 'CUDA', 'v' + cuda_version)
             cuda_path = os.path.join(os.getenv(cuda_path_var, default_path), 'bin')
             cuda_path = ''
         dll_paths.extend(filter(os.path.exists, [nvtoolsext_dll_path, cuda_path]))
         kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32.dll', use_last_error=True)
         with_load_library_flags = hasattr(kernel32, 'AddDllDirectory')
         prev_error_mode = kernel32.SetErrorMode(0x0001)
         kernel32.LoadLibraryW.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
         if with_load_library_flags:
             kernel32.LoadLibraryExW.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
         for dll_path in dll_paths:
         except OSError:
             print('''Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable is not installed, this may lead to the DLL load failure.
                      It can be downloaded at https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe''')
         dlls = glob.glob(os.path.join(th_dll_path, '*.dll'))
         path_patched = False
         for dll in dlls:
             is_loaded = False
             if with_load_library_flags:
                 res = kernel32.LoadLibraryExW(dll, None, 0x00001100)
                 last_error = ctypes.get_last_error()
                 if res is None and last_error != 126:
                     err = ctypes.WinError(last_error)
                     err.strerror += f' Error loading "{dll}" or one of its dependencies.'
                     raise err
                 elif res is not None:
                     is_loaded = True
             if not is_loaded:
                 if not path_patched:
                     os.environ['PATH'] = ';'.join(dll_paths + [os.environ['PATH']])
                     path_patched = True
                 res = kernel32.LoadLibraryW(dll)
                 if res is None:
                     err = ctypes.WinError(ctypes.get_last_error())
                     err.strerror += f' Error loading "{dll}" or one of its dependencies.'
                     raise err
     def _preload_cuda_deps(lib_folder, lib_name):
         """Preloads cuda deps if they could not be found otherwise."""
         # Should only be called on Linux if default path resolution have failed
         assert platform.system() == 'Linux', 'Should only be called on Linux'
         import glob
         lib_path = None
         for path in sys.path:
             nvidia_path = os.path.join(path, 'nvidia')
             if not os.path.exists(nvidia_path):
             candidate_lib_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(nvidia_path, lib_folder, 'lib', lib_name))
             if candidate_lib_paths and not lib_path:
                 lib_path = candidate_lib_paths[0]
             if lib_path:
         if not lib_path:
             raise ValueError(f"{lib_name} not found in the system path {sys.path}")
     # See Note [Global dependencies]
     def _load_global_deps() -> None:
         if _running_with_deploy() or platform.system() == 'Windows':
         lib_name = 'libtorch_global_deps' + ('.dylib' if platform.system() == 'Darwin' else '.so')
         here = os.path.abspath(__file__)
         lib_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(here), 'lib', lib_name)
             ctypes.CDLL(lib_path, mode=ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
         except OSError as err:
             # Can only happen for wheel with cuda libs as PYPI deps
             # As PyTorch is not purelib, but nvidia-*-cu12 is
             cuda_libs: Dict[str, str] = {
                 'cublas': 'libcublas.so.*[0-9]',
                 'cudnn': 'libcudnn.so.*[0-9]',
                 'cuda_nvrtc': 'libnvrtc.so.*[0-9]',
                 'cuda_runtime': 'libcudart.so.*[0-9]',
                 'cuda_cupti': 'libcupti.so.*[0-9]',
                 'cufft': 'libcufft.so.*[0-9]',
                 'curand': 'libcurand.so.*[0-9]',
                 'cusolver': 'libcusolver.so.*[0-9]',
                 'cusparse': 'libcusparse.so.*[0-9]',
                 'nccl': 'libnccl.so.*[0-9]',
                 'nvtx': 'libnvToolsExt.so.*[0-9]',
             is_cuda_lib_err = [lib for lib in cuda_libs.values() if(lib.split('.')[0] in err.args[0])]
             if not is_cuda_lib_err:
                 raise err
             for lib_folder, lib_name in cuda_libs.items():
                 _preload_cuda_deps(lib_folder, lib_name)
             ctypes.CDLL(lib_path, mode=ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
             (_running_with_deploy() or platform.system() != 'Windows'):
         # Do it the hard way.  You might want to load libtorch with RTLD_GLOBAL in a
         # few circumstances:
         #   1. You're in a build environment (e.g., fbcode) where
         #      libtorch_global_deps is not available, but you still need
         #      to get mkl to link in with RTLD_GLOBAL or it will just
         #      not work.
         #   2. You're trying to run PyTorch under UBSAN and you need
         #      to ensure that only one copy of libtorch is loaded, so
         #      vptr checks work properly
         # If you're using this setting, you must verify that all the libraries
         # you load consistently use the same libstdc++, or you may have
         # mysterious segfaults.
         old_flags = sys.getdlopenflags()
         sys.setdlopenflags(os.RTLD_GLOBAL | os.RTLD_LAZY)
         from torch._C import *  # noqa: F403
         del old_flags
         # Easy way.  You want this most of the time, because it will prevent
         # C++ symbols from libtorch clobbering C++ symbols from other
         # libraries, leading to mysterious segfaults.
         # If building in an environment where libtorch_global_deps isn't available
         # like parts of fbsource, but where RTLD_GLOBAL causes segfaults, you will
         # want USE_RTLD_GLOBAL_WITH_LIBTORCH = False and USE_GLOBAL_DEPS = False
         # See Note [Global dependencies]
         if USE_GLOBAL_DEPS:
         from torch._C import *  # noqa: F403
     # Appease the type checker; ordinarily this binding is inserted by the
     # torch._C module initialization code in C
         import torch._C as _C
     class SymInt:
         Like an int (including magic methods), but redirects all operations on the
         wrapped node. This is used in particular to symbolically record operations
         in the symbolic shape workflow.
         def __init__(self, node):
             # This field MUST be named node; C++ binding code assumes that this
             # class has a field named node that stores SymNode
             self.node = node
         def __bool__(self):
             return builtins.bool(self != 0)
         def __int__(self):
             return self.node.int_()
         def __index__(self):
             return self.node.int_()
         # Magic methods installed by torch.fx.experimental.symbolic_shapes
         def __eq__(self, other: object) -> builtins.bool:
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __lt__(self, other) -> builtins.bool:
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __gt__(self, other) -> builtins.bool:
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __le__(self, other) -> builtins.bool:
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __ge__(self, other) -> builtins.bool:
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __sym_max__(self, other):
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __sym_min__(self, other):
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __sym_float__(self):
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __repr__(self):
             return str(self.node)
     class SymFloat:
         Like an float (including magic methods), but redirects all operations on the
         wrapped node. This is used in particular to symbolically record operations
         in the symbolic shape workflow.
         def __init__(self, node):
             # This field MUST be named node; C++ binding code assumes that this
             # class has a field named node that stores SymNode
             self.node = node
         def __bool__(self):
             return self.node.bool_()
         # Magic methods installed by torch.fx.experimental.symbolic_shapes
         def __eq__(self, other: object) -> builtins.bool:
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __lt__(self, other) -> builtins.bool:
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __gt__(self, other) -> builtins.bool:
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __le__(self, other) -> builtins.bool:
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __ge__(self, other) -> builtins.bool:
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __sym_max__(self, other):
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __sym_min__(self, other):
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __sym_int__(self):
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __repr__(self):
             return self.node.str()
     class SymBool:
         Like an bool (including magic methods), but redirects all operations on the
         wrapped node. This is used in particular to symbolically record operations
         in the symbolic shape workflow.
         Unlike regular bools, regular boolean operators will force extra guards instead
         of symbolically evaluate.  Use the bitwise operators instead to handle this.
         def __init__(self, node):
             # This field MUST be named node; C++ binding code assumes that this
             # class has a field named node that stores SymNode
             self.node = node
         def __bool__(self):
             return self.node.bool_()
         def __int__(self):
             return builtins.int(self.node.bool_())
         # Magic methods installed by torch.fx.experimental.symbolic_shapes
         def __and__(self, other) -> "SymBool":
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __or__(self, other) -> "SymBool":
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         # We very carefully define __sym_not__, and not a number of other
         # plausible alternatives:
         #   - We do not override __not__ because this is not a real magic
         #     method; you cannot override the meaning of the not builtin in
         #     Python.  We use the name 'sym_not' to clarify that in user code you
         #     cannot use the builtin not or operator.not_ or operator.__not__ and
         #     hit this magic method; you must use our custom sym_not operator.
         #   - We do not override the __invert__ method because SymBool is
         #     meant to be usable in situations where bool is expected.  However,
         #     bitwise negation ~a does the wrong thing with booleans (because
         #     bool is a subclass of int, so ~1 = -2 which is not falseish.)
         #     This would be a giant footgun, so we get around it by defining
         #     our own operator.  Note that bitwise and/or do the right thing,
         #     so we reuse the conventional operators there for readability.
         def __sym_not__(self) -> "SymBool":
             raise AssertionError("type stub not overridden")
         def __repr__(self):
             return self.node.str()
     def sym_not(a):
         r""" SymInt-aware utility for logical negation.
             a (SymBool or bool): Object to negate
         if hasattr(a, '__sym_not__'):
             return a.__sym_not__()
         return not a
     def sym_float(a):
         r""" SymInt-aware utility for float casting.
             a (SymInt, SymFloat, or object): Object to cast
         if isinstance(a, SymFloat):
             return a
         elif hasattr(a, '__sym_float__'):
             return a.__sym_float__()
         return py_float(a)  # type: ignore[operator]
     def sym_int(a):
         r""" SymInt-aware utility for int casting.
             a (SymInt, SymFloat, or object): Object to cast
         if isinstance(a, SymInt):
             return a
         elif isinstance(a, SymFloat):
             return math.floor(a) if a >= 0 else math.ceil(a)  # type: ignore[arg-type, call-overload]
         return py_int(a)  # type: ignore[operator]
     def sym_max(a, b):
         """ SymInt-aware utility for max()."""
         if isinstance(a, (SymInt, SymFloat)):
             return a.__sym_max__(b)
         elif isinstance(b, (SymInt, SymFloat)):
             # NB: If you actually care about preserving output type exactly
             # if you do something like max(0, 0.0), it is NOT sound to treat
             # min/max as commutative
             return b.__sym_max__(a)
         return builtins.max(a, b)  # type: ignore[operator]
     def sym_min(a, b):
         """ SymInt-aware utility for max()."""
         if isinstance(a, (SymInt, SymFloat)):
             return a.__sym_min__(b)
         elif isinstance(b, (SymInt, SymFloat)):
             return b.__sym_min__(a)
         return builtins.min(a, b)  # type: ignore[operator]
     # Check to see if we can load C extensions, and if not provide some guidance
     # on what the problem might be.
         # _initExtension is chosen (arbitrarily) as a sentinel.
         from torch._C import _initExtension
     except ImportError:
         import torch._C as _C_for_compiled_check
         # The __file__ check only works for Python 3.7 and above.
         if _C_for_compiled_check.__file__ is None:
>           raise ImportError(textwrap.dedent('''
                 Failed to load PyTorch C extensions:
                     It appears that PyTorch has loaded the `torch/_C` folder
                     of the PyTorch repository rather than the C extensions which
                     are expected in the `torch._C` namespace. This can occur when
                     using the `install` workflow. e.g.
                         $ python setup.py install && python -c "import torch"
                     This error can generally be solved using the `develop` workflow
                         $ python setup.py develop && python -c "import torch"  # This should succeed
                     or by running Python from a different directory.
                 ''').strip()) from None
E           ImportError: Failed to load PyTorch C extensions:
E               It appears that PyTorch has loaded the `torch/_C` folder
E               of the PyTorch repository rather than the C extensions which
E               are expected in the `torch._C` namespace. This can occur when
E               using the `install` workflow. e.g.
E                   $ python setup.py install && python -c "import torch"
E               This error can generally be solved using the `develop` workflow
E                   $ python setup.py develop && python -c "import torch"  # This should succeed
E               or by running Python from a different directory.

/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/torch/__init__.py:451: ImportError
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED tests/test_array_namespace.py::test_array_namespace[None-torch] - Impo...
FAILED tests/test_array_namespace.py::test_array_namespace[2021.12-torch] - I...
FAILED tests/test_array_namespace.py::test_array_namespace_errors - ImportErr...
FAILED tests/test_common.py::test_to_device_host[torch] - ImportError: Failed...
FAILED tests/test_isdtype.py::test_isdtype_spec_dtypes[torch] - ImportError: ...
FAILED tests/test_isdtype.py::test_isdtype_additional_dtypes[float16-torch]
FAILED tests/test_isdtype.py::test_isdtype_additional_dtypes[float128-torch]
FAILED tests/test_isdtype.py::test_isdtype_additional_dtypes[complex256-torch]
FAILED tests/test_isdtype.py::test_isdtype_additional_dtypes[bfloat16-torch]
=================== 9 failed, 10 passed, 8 skipped in 0.48s ====================
E: pybuild pybuild:389: test: plugin distutils failed with: exit code=1: cd /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.12_array_api_compat/build; python3.12 -m pytest --ignore tests/test_vendoring.py
I: pybuild base:311: cd /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_array_api_compat/build; python3.11 -m pytest --ignore tests/test_vendoring.py
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.11.9, pytest-8.1.2, pluggy-1.5.0
rootdir: /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>
plugins: hypothesis-6.102.4
collected 27 items

tests/test_array_namespace.py s..s.....                                  [ 33%]
tests/test_common.py s..                                                 [ 44%]
tests/test_isdtype.py s..s..s..s..s..                                    [100%]

======================== 19 passed, 8 skipped in 1.52s =========================
dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p "3.12 3.11" returned exit code 13
make: *** [debian/rules:9: binary] Error 25
dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules binary subprocess returned exit status 2

The above is just how the build ends and not necessarily the most relevant part.
If required, the full build log is available here:


About the archive rebuild: The build was made on virtual machines
of type m6a.large and r6a.large from AWS, using sbuild and a
reduced chroot with only build-essential packages.

If you could not reproduce the bug please contact me privately, as I
am willing to provide ssh access to a virtual machine where the bug is
fully reproducible.

If this is really a bug in one of the build-depends, please use
reassign and affects, so that this is still visible in the BTS web
page for this package.


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