[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#953053: psychopy: missing python3 dependencies

Étienne Mollier emollier at debian.org
Thu Sep 12 21:29:56 BST 2024


I was having a look at eventually bumping psychopy to v2024.  It
seems that dh-python3 helpfully reports dependencies declared by
upstream but missing from Debian:

	I: dh_python3 pydist:302: Cannot find package that provides imageio_ffmpeg.
	   Please add package that provides it to Build-Depends
	   or add "imageio_ffmpeg python3-imageio-ffmpeg" line to debian/py3dist-overrides
	   or add proper dependency to Depends by hand and ignore this info.
	I: dh_python3 pydist:302: Cannot find package that provides psychtoolbox. ...
	I: dh_python3 pydist:302: Cannot find package that provides javascripthon. ...
	I: dh_python3 pydist:302: Cannot find package that provides pypi_search. ...
	I: dh_python3 pydist:302: Cannot find package that provides esprima. ...
	I: dh_python3 pydist:302: Cannot find package that provides ffpyplayer. ...
	I: dh_python3 pydist:302: Cannot find package that provides opencv_python. ...

imageio_ffmpeg upstream looks located here:

psychtoolbox from pypi.org leads to confusing source code:

javascripthon looks non-trivial:

pypi_search upstream archived their repository:

esprima is already recorded work needed and prospective package:

ffpyplayer seems located here:

opencv_python stems from here, but is also confusing:

Something is bugging me: is the package usable at all with these
missing components?  When trying to put back the test suite on
tracks, each item ends up in error, mainly because of missing
the esprima module (and the rest chokes on pyglet.gl being used
as regular GL while missing a number of its attributes).

I'm sorry it may be a bit overwhelming.  I hope targets painting
will help with putting back the package into good shape in the
end though.

Have a nice day,  :)
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <emollier at debian.org>
 : :' :  pgp: 8f91 b227 c7d6 f2b1 948c  8236 793c f67e 8f0d 11da
 `. `'   sent from /dev/pts/4, please excuse my verbosity
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