[Debian-mobcom-maintainers] osmo-trx is marked for autoremoval from testing

Harald Welte laforge at gnumonks.org
Wed May 19 08:08:51 BST 2021


On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 04:39:06AM +0000, Debian testing autoremoval watch wrote:
> osmo-trx 1.2.0-2 is marked for autoremoval from testing on 2021-06-22

sorry to see.

> It (build-)depends on packages with these RC bugs:
> 988290: tcl-hamlib,lua-hamlib: {tcl,lua}-hamlib: missing Breaks: {libhamlib2-tcl,lua-hamlib2} (<< 4.0)
>  https://bugs.debian.org/988290

As an upstream developer I don't really understand why anything in osmo-trx would
depend on either tcl or lua.  At least the upstream debian/control file contains
nothing of that sort.

- Harald Welte <laforge at gnumonks.org>           http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
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