[Debian-pan-maintainers] Bug#1078268: Bug#1078268: pyfai: please make the package build reproducible

James Addison jay at jp-hosting.net
Fri Aug 9 14:22:43 BST 2024

On Fri, 9 Aug 2024 at 14:06, PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel
<frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr> wrote:
> > The meson-python build generates and uses a temporary, randomized build
> > directory path only when no build-dir setting is already configured.  So we may
> > be able to resolve this problem by choosing an appropriate static build-dir.
> why not fixing meson-python directly. This way it is simpler  instead of patching all package whcih are using it.

That is true.  I don't consider the bug to be the use of a temporary directory,
but instead the embedding of build paths.  I'll do some more investigation to
try to figure out whether that can be resolved within the build toolchain.

> > The second non-deterministic output appears to be due to dynamic-evaluation of
> > a 'threadpoolsize' default argument value for a Python initializer[6], which
> > is set to the current host's CPU count.  This would generally only be relevant
> > at runtime, except for the fact that the documentation package, built using
> > the Sphinx 'autodoc' extension, renders the evaluated value in the output HTML
> > docs.  That behaviour can be disabled using the 'autodoc_preserve_defaults'[7]
> > configuration setting.
> Idem here, maybe sophinx should have decent default  when it comes to reproducible build :).

It appears my fix here is incomplete or inaccurate, since a subsequent
reprotest build has failed -- but it is possible that Sphinx could change the
setting's default, provided with enough support and reasoning to do so.

I'll investigate the cause of that failure and add more details soon.

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