[Debian-pan-maintainers] Missing dependencies in xraylarch and orange-spectroscopy

Roland Mas roland.mas at gnurandal.com
Wed Oct 16 21:26:09 BST 2024

Le 20/08/2024 à 12:11, FARHI Emmanuel a écrit :
> When checking xraylarch and orange-spectroscopy dependencies with pip 
> resolver, I find that we miss :
>  1. xraylarch 0.9.74+ds1 requires numdifftools, which is not installed.
I just uploaded 0.9.81, which fixes several bugs; it declares a 
dependency on numdifftools but doesn't seem to use it (from a quick grep).
>  1. orange-spectroscopy 0.6.10 requires extranormal3>=0.0.3, which is
>     not installed.
This has been done some time ago.
>  1. orange-spectroscopy 0.6.10 requires renishawWiRE>=0.1.8, which is
>     not installed.
I'll look into this.

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