[Debian-pan-maintainers] itango package

PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Tue Aug 30 10:07:52 BST 2016

Hello here the lintian found in your package

picca at mordor:~/Debian/itango$ lintian -EviI itango_0.1.3-1_i386.changes                                                                                                                                          

idem use 0.1.3-1~exp1 until we upload it into unstable

N: Processing source package itango (version 0.1.3-1, arch source) ...
W: itango source: changelog-should-mention-nmu
N:    When you NMU a package, that fact should be mentioned on the first line
N:    in the changelog entry. Use the words "NMU" or "Non-maintainer upload"
N:    (case insensitive).
N:    Maybe you didn't intend this upload to be a NMU, in that case, please
N:    double-check that the most recent entry in the changelog is
N:    byte-for-byte identical to the maintainer or one of the uploaders. If
N:    this is a local package (not intended for Debian), you can suppress this
N:    warning by putting "local" in the version number or "local package" on
N:    the first line of the changelog entry.
N:    Refer to Debian Developer's Reference section 5.11.3 (Using the DELAYED/
N:    queue) for details.
N:    Severity: normal, Certainty: certain
N:    Check: nmu, Type: source

Your are the uploader of this package not me ;), so fix it

You have to decei is you want to work on this package under the umbrella of the Debina-pan or debian science.

I: itango source: wildcard-matches-nothing-in-dep5-copyright doc/_static/jssor* (paragraph at line 14)
N:    The wildcard that was specified matches no file in the source tree. This
N:    either indicates that you should fix the wildcard so that it matches the
N:    intended file or that you can remove the wildcard. Notice that in
N:    contrast to shell globs, the "*" (star or asterisk) matches slashes and
N:    leading dots.
N:    Refer to
N:    https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/ for
N:    details.
N:    Severity: minor, Certainty: possible
N:    Check: source-copyright, Type: source
I: itango source: unused-file-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright paragraph at line 14
N:    The Files paragraph in debian/copyright is superfluous as it is never
N:    used to match any files. You should be able to safely remove it.
N:    Refer to
N:    https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/ for
N:    details.
N:    Severity: minor, Certainty: possible
N:    Check: source-copyright, Type: source
I: itango source: unused-file-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright paragraph at line 6

you need to create the right copyright file for this package. it shuld be quite simple since these is no that much files in it.

I: itango source: debian-watch-file-is-missing
N:    This source package is not Debian-native but it does not have a
N:    debian/watch file. This file is used for automatic detection of new
N:    upstream versions by the Debian External Health Status project and other
N:    project infrastructure. If this package is maintained upstream, please
N:    consider adding a debian/watch file to detect new releases.
N:    If the package is not maintained upstream or if upstream uses a
N:    distribution mechanism that cannot be meaningfully monitored by uscan
N:    and the Debian External Health Status project, please consider adding a
N:    debian/watch file containing only comments documenting the situation.
N:    Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 4.11 (Optional upstream source
N:    location: debian/watch) and the uscan(1) manual page for details.
N:    Severity: wishlist, Certainty: certain
N:    Check: watch-file, Type: source
N: ----

an easy wait to obtain this watch file is

wget https://pypi.debian.net/tango/watch

N: Processing binary package python-itango (version 0.1.3-1, arch i386) ...
X: python-itango: library-package-name-for-application usr/bin/itango usr/bin/itango-qt
N:    This package contains a program in $PATH but is named like a library.
N:    E.g. instead of libfoo-bar-perl it should be named just foo-bar.
N:    People tend to skip library-like named packages when looking for
N:    applications in the package list and hence wouldn't notice this package.
N:    See the reference for some (not perl-specific) reasoning.
N:    In case the program in $PATH is only a helper tool and the package is
N:    primarily a library, please add a lintian override for this tag.
N:    Refer to
N:    https://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/policy.html#package_naming_policy for
N:    details.
N:    Severity: normal, Certainty: wild-guess
N:    Check: application-not-library, Type: binary
N:    This tag is marked experimental, which means that the code that
N:    generates it is not as well-tested as the rest of Lintian and might
N:    still give surprising results. Feel free to ignore experimental tags
N:    that do not seem to make sense, though of course bug reports are always
N:    welcome.
X: python-itango: application-in-library-section python usr/bin/itango usr/bin/itango-qt
N:    This package contains a binary in $PATH but is in a section just thought
N:    for libraries. It likely should be in another section like e.g. utils,
N:    text, devel, misc, etc., but not in e.g. perl, ruby or python.
N:    People tend to skip these package sections when looking for applications
N:    in the package list and hence wouldn't notice this package.
N:    In case the program in $PATH is only a helper tool and the package is
N:    primarily a library, please add a lintian override for this tag.
N:    Severity: normal, Certainty: wild-guess
N:    Check: application-not-library, Type: binary
N:    This tag is marked experimental, which means that the code that
N:    generates it is not as well-tested as the rest of Lintian and might
N:    still give surprising results. Feel free to ignore experimental tags
N:    that do not seem to make sense, though of course bug reports are always
N:    welcome.

I would not worry about this for now

W: python-itango: new-package-should-close-itp-bug
N:    This package appears to be the first packaging of a new upstream
N:    software package (there is only one changelog entry and the Debian
N:    revision is 1), but it does not close any bugs. The initial upload of a
N:    new package should close the corresponding ITP bug for that package.
N:    This warning can be ignored if the package is not intended for Debian or
N:    if it is a split of an existing Debian package.
N:    Refer to Debian Developer's Reference section 5.1 (New packages) for
N:    details.
N:    Severity: normal, Certainty: certain
N:    Check: changelog-file, Type: binary

this one is important ;)

reportbug wnpp
W: python-itango: description-synopsis-starts-with-article
N:    The first line of the "Description:" should omit any initial indefinite
N:    or definite article: "a", "an", or "the". A good heuristic is that it
N:    should be possible to substitute the package name and synopsis into this
N:    formula:
N:    The package name provides {a,an,the,some} synopsis.
N:    Refer to Debian Developer's Reference section 6.2.2 (The package
N:    synopsis, or short description) for details.
N:    Severity: minor, Certainty: certain
N:    Check: description, Type: binary, udeb

just fix it ;)
I: python-itango: capitalization-error-in-description python Python
N:    Lintian found a possible capitalization error in the package
N:    description. Lintian has a list of common capitalization errors,
N:    primarily of upstream projects, that it looks for. It does not have a
N:    dictionary like a spelling checker does.
N:    This is a particularly picky check of capitalization in package
N:    descriptions, since they're very visible to end users, but it will have
N:    false positives for project names used in a context where they should be
N:    lowercase, such as package names or executable names.
N:    Severity: minor, Certainty: wild-guess
N:    Check: description, Type: binary, udeb

W: python-itango: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/itango
N:    Each binary in /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /bin, /sbin or /usr/games should
N:    have a manual page
N:    Note that though the man program has the capability to check for several
N:    program names in the NAMES section, each of these programs should have
N:    its own manual page (a symbolic link to the appropriate manual page is
N:    sufficient) because other manual page viewers such as xman or tkman
N:    don't support this.
N:    If the name of the man page differs from the binary by case, man may be
N:    able to find it anyway; however, it is still best practice to make the
N:    case of the man page match the case of the binary.
N:    If the man pages are provided by another package on which this package
N:    depends, lintian may not be able to determine that man pages are
N:    available. In this case, after confirming that all binaries do have man
N:    pages after this package and its dependencies are installed, please add
N:    a lintian override.
N:    Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 12.1 (Manual pages) for details.
N:    Severity: normal, Certainty: possible
N:    Check: manpages, Type: binary
W: python-itango: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/itango-qt
N: ----

You should se with upstream and  ask for proper man pages.



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