[Debian-pan-maintainers] Packaging pytango 9.2.0

Sandor Bodo-Merle sbodomerle at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 18:58:16 BST 2016

I just took a look on the open bugs of pytangp in launchpad:


I think that the 9.2.0 version fixes all of them. As the ubuntu pytango
package seem to be a direct import from debian, i wonder how the LP bugs
get closed once pytango 9.2.0 hits ubuntu archives.



On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 6:23 PM, Sandor Bodo-Merle <sbodomerle at gmail.com>

> There is a new upload on mentors. The package is building in pbuilder.
> br
> Sandor
> On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 12:16 PM, PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel <
> frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr> wrote:
>> > OK - i'll have to doublecheck with ipython-qtconsole compatibility -
>> for now i added them both.
>> > I made them a Recommends - first recommends are installed by default;
>> second, it gives the possibility for an expert user to go ahead without any
>> of the GUI stuff if needed (personally - i'd like that option), but i'd
>> like to hear your opinion also.
>> ok for me, it is nice to be able to avoid all the qt stack for experts.
>> > Please put the documentation into an itango-doc package.
>> > Well - now i generate the man pages - which are pretty small (the
>> standalone itango sphinx doc is fortunately small enough). Having a
>> separate, tiny doc package would be redundant IMO - but if you prefer a
>> separate doc package - we can have it, sure.
>> this is just that it is recommended by the policy to have a
>> <package>-doc  package.
>> So it is not bad to have if from the begining.
>> Just put the html documentation in into it :))
>> > OK - done. I also added ESRF (just like you did for pytango) because
>> the package was split out just recently.
>> Just for info I created a bug report about the FTBFS on hurd and freebsd.
>> Cheers
>> Fred
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