[Debian-rtc-admin] radcli follow-up, deploy to vogler

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Sat Sep 17 18:32:38 BST 2016

Hi all,

Raphaƫl, Aron: thanks for fixing and uploading radcli[1]

I've just uploaded 1.2.6-3~bpo8+1 to jessie-backports

What do you think about moving this package from pkg-voip to collab-maint?

DSA uses RADIUS on vogler.debian.org for the RTC services[2], maybe they
use it for other things too.  As soon as something depends on radcli the
package from jessie-backports will be pulled into DSA-managed machines.

There were some acute problems with the freeradius-client library on
vogler.debian.org during the wheezy->jessie update.  radcli is a fork of
freeradius-client and fixes some of those issues and should be more

I'm likely to use radcli instead of freeradius-client in the next upload
of resiprocate to jessie-backports.  This means radcli will go into
vogler at the time DSA updates resiprocate on there.



1. https://packages.qa.debian.org/r/radcli.html
2. https://rtc.debian.org

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