[Debian-rtc-admin] [rt.debian.org #8180] AutoReply CC: Create an email alias for abuse/contact for our RTC services

Debian Developer via RT rt at rt.debian.org
Sun Mar 8 19:56:47 GMT 2020

A new trouble ticket, a summary of which appears below the dashed line, regarding

  "Create an email alias for abuse/contact for our RTC services",

has been created and the Requestor set you as a CC, which is why you are receiving this autoreply-on-ticket-creation message.

In case you reply to this mail, please include the following string in the subject line (excluding quotation marks):

  [rt.debian.org #8180]


we now are using our management list (debian-rtc-team at alioth-lists.debian.net) as abuse contact address, after a chat in irc we want to start using something non-public but archived.

the address we'd like to have is abuse-rtc at debian.org, i would like to forward emails for that address to myself and debacle at least for the moment

about the archive, looks to me that is done in master:/home/debian/archive if that's the case it is fine by us.
feel free to point me where in puppet is configured i can send a patch myself 


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