[Debian-salsa-ci] Using Salsa-CI as pre-upload QA for Bullseye and Buster uploads: Lintian and Piuparts

Otto Kekäläinen otto at debian.org
Sun Jan 15 21:25:19 GMT 2023


> > Do you use Salsa-CI (and Lintian v2.115.3) for quality assurance of
> > your packages before uploading to Debian Bullseye or Buster?
> Until a few minutes ago, no, I did not test using the latest version
> of Lintian from unstable. Rather, I was using the version in
> buster/bullseye/stretch instead, as that was what was so easily
> available inside the chroot.
> However, though, I've just spent a few minutes updating my setup such
> that I will use the version from unstable instead.

Thanks for the info. Thus I will also use the Lintian 2.115 from
unstable to test all of my uploads.

This means that I will need to do override updates that add the
brackets (example [1]) to paths in packages that are intended for
Buster/Bullseye because their Lintian overrides are intended for
v2.115. I am fine doing this now that I know that others are also
using latest Lintian for all packaging QA.

Hopefully current Lintian maintainers will keep backwards
compatibility in mind and not introduce too many changes that make old
packages that were Lintian clean to error too much.

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/mariadb-team/galera-3/-/commit/e00e6b67e189ac2c93ba3bc87f4cdf202d8937af

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