[Debian-salsa-ci] DEP18 follow-up: What would be the best path to have all top-150 packages use Salsa CI?

Jérémy Lal kapouer at melix.org
Fri Aug 23 23:08:52 BST 2024

Le mer. 21 août 2024 à 03:36, Otto Kekäläinen <otto at debian.org> a écrit :

> Hi!
> In short:
> I would very much like to see all top-150 packages run Salsa CI at
> least once before being uploaded to unstable. What people think is a
> reasonable way to proceed to reach this goal?
> Background:
> We have had several cases recently where an upload to Debian unstable
> causes widespread failure in unstable, and it could have been easily
> prevented if Salsa CI pipeline had run for the package and revealed
> the problem before upload to archive for everyone to suffer.
> This message was prompted by the fact that right now we have a massive
> large of Python packages affected by the "No module named 'packaging'"
> bug [1] which would have been caught by Salsa CI running the
> autopkgtest job before upload [2]. I don't want to blame maintainers
> for missing on some details while doing new releases - it happens. But
> systematically not using available and easy testing facilities does
> annoy me.
> We can't have Salsa CI for all of Debian overnight, but at least
> widespread issues could be mitigated significantly by having Salsa CI
> at least on the top-150 or top-500 packages.
> We do not have stats on how many packages use Salsa CI, but we have
> stats on how many are not even hosted on Salsa:
> ```
> curl -LO https://trends.debian.net/vcs-hosting_unstable-packages.csv
> curl -LO https://popcon.debian.org/sourcemax/by_inst
> for x in $(tail -n +13 by_inst | head -n 150  | cut -c 7-25)
> do
>   grep -E "^$x," vcs-hosting_unstable-packages.csv
> done | grep -v salsa
> dpkg,1.22.10,other
> coreutils,9.4-3.1,no vcs
> acl,2.3.2-2,other
> zlib,1:1.3.dfsg+really1.3.1-1,no vcs
> attr,1:2.5.2-1,other
> hostname,3.23+nmu2,no vcs
> readline,8.2-4,no vcs
> e2fsprogs,1.47.1-1,other
> base-files,13.3,no vcs
> bash,5.2.21-2.1,not git
> expat,2.6.2-1,no vcs
> gettext,0.22.5-2,no vcs
> diffutils,1:3.10-1,no vcs
> libbsd,0.12.2-1,other
> sqlite3,3.46.0-1,no vcs
> dmidecode,3.6-1,other
> pciutils,1:3.13.0-1,other
> libxdmcp,1:1.1.2-3,git on alioth
> wget,1.24.5-2,no vcs
> file,1:5.45-3,other
> laptop-detect,0.16,other
> fuse,2.9.9-8.1,no vcs
> lsof,4.95.0-1.1,no vcs
> scowl,2020.12.07-2,other
> emacsen-common,3.0.5,no vcs
> libusb-1.0,2:1.0.27-1,no vcs
> setuptools,70.3.0-2,no vcs
> traceroute,1:2.1.5-1,no vcs
> liblockfile,1.17-1,github
> ```
> If you are a maintainer of a top-150 package and want help in getting
> it on Salsa and have Salsa CI activated, just email debian-salsa-ci@,
> and we will guide you through how to best run `gbp import-dscs
> --debian-branch=debian/latest --upstream-branch=upstream/latest
> --pristine-tar`, what to put in a README.source how to activate Salsa
> CI with potential customizations you feel are make sense. We have
> already done this to many projects, but as surprisingly many
> maintainers prefer not to receive contributions, we encourage those
> who want to have help to reach out themselves.
> When I proposed DEP18[1] my main motivation was to get more packages
> on git and on salsa.debian.org so that it is easier to collaborate on
> the next upload with the maintainer and all interested contributors
> before the upload is done. Collaborating on packages by NMUs is just
> not a modern and efficient way to collaborate.
> On top of this, I also wished that packages would use Salsa CI, at
> least once before the upload. This helps the maintainer get assurance
> of the package health before upload. Running Salsa CI on Merge
> Requests automatically helps contributors get immediate feedback, and
> it also gives the maintainer assurance that contributions don't cause
> easily testable regressions.
> Many people raised concerns on DEP18, and some of them are valid, and
> I will continue to ponder about it and how to restructure the proposal
> to foster collaboration without alienating any of our current
> maintainers who have a well optimized existing workflow.
> However, pushing for wider Salsa CI adoption I think makes sense as a
> goal by itself, and I would be keen to hear what people think is a
> reasonable way to proceed with that?
> [1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1079175,
> https://salsa.debian.org/salsa-ci-team/pipeline/-/issues/376
> [2]
> https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/packages/setuptools/-/jobs/6156348
> [3] https://salsa.debian.org/dep-team/deps/-/merge_requests/8

A bunch of packages I know (nodejs, receptor to name a few) have salsa CI
failures, but no sbuild failures.
It would be perfect if the build process was exactly the same.

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