[Debian-salsa-ci] autopkgtests that need a kernel module to be loaded, but otherwise don't break the system ‒ Restrictions: isolation-machine requred?

наб nabijaczleweli at nabijaczleweli.xyz
Tue Oct 15 19:25:33 BST 2024


This is a side-effect of discussion at https://bugs.debian.org/1081022.

In short: libcurlfs test needs fuse.ko to be loaded,
but otherwise works when run as a regular user.

When not in a container, this Just Works,
but autoloading doesn't work from inside,
so I end up having
  Tests: test
  Depends: @, fuse3, make, gcc, libc6-dev
  Restrictions: isolation-machine
which is basically equivalent to completely disabling the test
on Salsa CI (and most runners, probably?).

Is there a better way to express this that doesn't require
Restrictions: isolation-machine or runs the test on Salsa?

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