Bug#488962: debian-science: New category engineering (fwd)

Andreas Tille tillea at rki.de
Wed Jul 2 14:22:51 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2 Jul 2008, Adam C Powell IV wrote:

> Indeed!
>      * I put an enormous amount of work into a package for Salomé 3.2.6
>        which worked in January but doesn't quite now.  3.2.9 has been
>        out in binary form for months with no source code release.  When
>        it is released, I will port my package and upload.
>      * I have packaged much of Aster, but it's not quite usable yet,
>        and they are about to release a new version.
>      * FreeCAD has its own package, but it puts everything in /opt.
>        Teemu Ikonen mentioned on debian-science that he would upload a
>        package to contrib, presumably one which follows the FHS.
>      * Impact should not be hard, I'll try to get to it soon.  Thing
>        is, it's in Java, and the Sun JRE runs it three times faster
>        than GIJ...
>      * BRL-CAD has been in the works for some time.  Unfortunately, it
>        depends on an unreleased version of [incr tcl], which will
>        probably keep it out indefinitely.

Great.  The idea of the prospective packages is to keep people informed /
attracted to help.  If you provide information about the status of your
packaging (perhaps the Vcs location) as you can see in other prospective
package entries people who are stumbling over the tasks page will notice
your effort and might become helpful.  So in principle this is an
advertising page to get helpers in.  Just use it as such a tool.

Kind regards



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