Bug#504166: patch for new packages and some corrections
Bérci Norbert
bercin at t-email.hu
Sat Nov 1 18:45:41 UTC 2008
Attached you can find a patch which does the following:
1. Include the gtk-doc documentation in the libgtkdatabox-0.9.0-1-dev
package (with /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/gtkdatabox ->
2. Improvements in libgtkdatabox-0.9.0-1-dev: The makefile in the
examples did not have rules to make the following binaries: basics2
basics_libglade logarithmic markers. In order to be able to build
basics_libglade, its source have been modified also.
3. New package: libgtkdatabox-0.9.0-1-glade: it includes only the glade3
catalogs and modules
4. New package: libgtkdatabox-0.9.0-1-libglade: it includes only the
libglade runtime modules
5. Have the source build-depend on gtk-doc-utils, libglade2-dev,
6. As the source build-depends on d-shlibs (so it also means that the
first sentence in my previous bugreport is wrong, sorry about that!), we
do not need d-devlibdeps nor d-shlibmove in the debian directory. Their
removal made necessary some modifications in debian/rules also.
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