Bug#551752: mpich2-doc: conflict with lam4-dev

Christian Engwer christi at uni-hd.de
Tue Oct 20 16:50:23 UTC 2009

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 06:30:25PM +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> On 20/10/09 at 14:29 +0200, christi wrote:
> > Package: mpich2-doc
> > Version: 1.2-2
> > Severity: normal
> > 
> > 
> > mpich2-doc conflicht with lam4-dev. It is possible to install lam and
> > mich at the same time. Only the mpich2-doc package can't be installed
> > together with lam4-dev. Why? I can't a see any good reason.
> lam4-dev also ships the manpages for LAM, so there are file conflicts
> between mpich2-doc and lam4-dev, unfortunately. The solution would be to
> move all the docs from lam4-dev to (say) lam4-doc.
> But the LAM package is basically unmaintained, both in Debian and
> upstream. Are you still using it? Have you considered moving to openmpi
> or (now) mpich2?

OpenMPI has a serious bug that prevents me from using it atm (it's
fixed upstream). LAM (and I assume also OpenMPI) has a big advantage
when it comes to debugging... you can start any command using mpirun,
so you can also run "mpirun valgrind ./executable" for example.

Actually I don't care which MPI-documentation I have installed. As
this problem persists I install lam4-doc. But the recommendation of
mpich2-doc results in the removal of lam4-dev as the prefered solution
of apt. This behaviour is imho strange for the average user.


PS: Wouldn't a NMU of lam be a better solution to the manpage problem
    than this conflict?

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