cimg_1.3.2-1_amd64.changes is NEW

Archive Administrator installer at
Fri Oct 23 06:47:17 UTC 2009

  to pool/main/c/cimg/cimg-dev_1.3.2-1_all.deb
(new) cimg-doc_1.3.2-1_all.deb optional doc
documentation of cimg-dev imaging library
 The CImg Library is a C++ toolkit providing simple classes and functions
 to load, save, process and display images in your own C++ code. It consists
 only of a single header file CImg.h that must be included in your program
 source. It contains useful image processing algorithms for loading/saving,
 resizing/rotating, filtering, object drawing (text, lines, faces, ellipses,
  ...), etc.
 Images are instantiated by a class able to represent images up to 4-dimension
 wide (from 1-D scalar signals to 3-D volumes of vector-valued pixels), with
 template pixel types. It depends on a minimal number of libraries : you can
 compile it with only standard C libraries. No need for exotic libraries and
 complex dependencies.
 This package contains the documentation.
(new) cimg-examples_1.3.2-1_all.deb optional doc
examples for cimg-dev imaging library
 The CImg Library is a C++ toolkit providing simple classes and functions
 to load, save, process and display images in your own C++ code. It consists
 only of a single header file CImg.h that must be included in your program
 source. It contains useful image processing algorithms for loading/saving,
 resizing/rotating, filtering, object drawing (text, lines, faces, ellipses,
  ...), etc.
 Images are instantiated by a class able to represent images up to 4-dimension
 wide (from 1-D scalar signals to 3-D volumes of vector-valued pixels), with
 template pixel types. It depends on a minimal number of libraries : you can
 compile it with only standard C libraries. No need for exotic libraries and
 complex dependencies.
 This package contains examples for the usage of the library.
  to pool/main/c/cimg/cimg_1.3.2-1.diff.gz
  to pool/main/c/cimg/cimg_1.3.2-1.dsc
  to pool/main/c/cimg/cimg_1.3.2.orig.tar.gz
Changes: cimg (1.3.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
  [ Daniel Leidert (dale) ]
  * New upstream release 1.3.2 (closes: #399846, #497672).
  * debian/control (XS-Vcs): Removed obsolete XS-prefix. Fixed Vcs-Svn to work
    with debcheckout.
    (Depends,Build-Depends-Indep): fftw3-dev -> libfftw3-dev transition
    (closes: #460024).
    (Description): Fixed typo (closes: #363199). Thanks to Simon Waters for the
  * debian/copyright: Updated.
  * debian/watch: Added.
  [ Andreas Tille ]
  * debian/control:
    - Took over package into Debian Science Team maintenance with permission
      of Maintainer:
        On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 09:07:32AM +0200, Christophe Prud'homme wrote:
        > ...
        > I am definitely fine with cimg-dev moving to Debian science.
    - Standards-Version: 3.8.3 (no changes needed)
    - Added Homepage field
    - took over Suggests from upstreams Debian packaging
    - Build-Depends: libgimp2.0-dev, quilt
  * debian/get-orig-source to repack zip to orig.tar.gz
  * Added html docs and examples to the package
  * debian/doc-base
  * debian/patches: Added a patch by upstream to enable building
  * Split into three packages: cimg-dev, cimg-doc, cimg-examples
  * Debhelper 7, short debian/rules file using dh

Override entries for your package:
cimg-dev_1.3.2-1_all.deb - optional math
cimg_1.3.2-1.dsc - source math

Announcing to debian-devel-changes at
Closing bugs: 363199 399846 460024 497672 

Your package contains new components which requires manual editing of
the override file.  It is ok otherwise, so please be patient.  New
packages are usually added to the override file about once a week.

You may have gotten the distribution wrong.  You'll get warnings above
if files already exist in other distributions.

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