Bug#562554: prompting due to modified conffiles which where not modified by the user

Jan Wagner waja at cyconet.org
Sun Jan 24 12:56:20 UTC 2010

Hi Andreas,

On Sunday 24 January 2010, Andreas Tille wrote:
> But yould you please be more verbose why you
> think that
>     blend-update-usermenus
> is regenerating  /etc/blends/science/science.conf ?  This is not
> the case but perhaps I might overlook something

I was just running "sh -x /usr/sbin/blend-update-usermenus science" like the 
apt hook and was guessing from that ... I didn't have closer look into the 
script itself. Looking right now into it, it seems it is just reading the 
file, sorry.

With kind regards, Jan.
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