Bug#575259: mpi-default-dev doesn't ensure that the right implementation is used

Thibaut Paumard paumard at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Mar 25 12:54:14 UTC 2010

Le 24 mars 10 à 16:59, Lucas Nussbaum a écrit :
>> Several solutions were [2]discussed. The easiest and most robust is  
>> to conflict with all the non-default implementations of mpi-dev.  A  
>> smoother solution is to provide links like "mpicc.default" pointing  
>> to the right implementation, and install them as alternatives for  
>> mpicc et al. with a high priority. This should always work on  
>> buildds but leaves a possibility to build with the wrong  
>> implementation on a box where the admin has set the alternative  
>> manually.
> Actually, the information I was missing is that some packages depend  
> on
> mpi-default-dev. I thought that mpi-default-dev was only used as a
> build-dependency. In that case, conflicting is indeed harmful, so the
> only solution is the alternatives hack...

New patch implementing the mpicc.default alternative.

I have built and installed this package, but not tried to build  
packages using it.

I have only implemented .default links for the files which were  
present in both openmpi and lam, so no mpif90.default.

Regards, Thibaut.

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