Bug#594046: libpetsc3.1: C++ version should live in -cxx-{debug, opt}, not -c-{debug, opt}

Adam C Powell IV hazelsct at debian.org
Mon Nov 1 14:11:42 UTC 2010

On Sun, 2010-10-31 at 23:08 +0000, Juha Jäykkä wrote:
> > Can you let me know if what's in alioth git now works for you?
> Sorry I did not yet reply to your previous email, but I can test that if you 
> tell me how: "warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to 
> checkout." =)

Hmm, I thought I fixed that last week, let me check it again.  Yup:

% git clone git://git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/petsc.git
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/hazelsct/petsc/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 8704, done.

Let me know if it still gives you trouble.

> As to the previous email:
> > I think if upstream has figured out a way to support both C++ and C in 
> > the same libraries, I'd like to leave it as such, it's simpler for 
> > everyone that way.  Right?
> That seems ok.

Okay.  I think we're all set then.  If it works for you (i.e. for TAO
etc.), and Christophe Trophime verifies our fix for 600265, then I'll

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