Bug#602471: RE : Bug#602471: pymca: package unusable
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.Fr
Mon Nov 15 12:15:34 UTC 2010
Le Mon, 15 Nov 2010 11:59:22 +0100,
"V. Armando Solé" <sole at esrf.fr> a écrit :
> Hello,
> On 15/11/2010 11:20, PICCA Frédéric-Emmanuel wrote:
> > At the end the problem is about the file format used to store the
> > information. SPEC files format which is not LOCAL neutral.
> >
> By definition, the specfile format is locale C based as it is the format
> and locale used by SPEC.
ok so it was just a problem of the spefile module using atof or similar methods.
> For actual data, the best alternative file format recognized by PyMca is
> HDF5.
> For the theoretical data used by PyMca, I still consider specfile is a
> good choice because:
> - the end users can simply use "vi" and change the theoretical constants
> used by the program
> - they can easily access the data them using other tools
> This opinion can evolve as the synchrotron users get more and more
> confident on HDF5 and get used to edit HDF5 files with the appropriate
> tools.
Yes this file hdf5 format is nice. But I agree that editing this by hand is a problem.
Did you looked ad yaml or json file format for there human editable/readable quality ?
> Best regards,
GPG public key 1024D/A59B1171 2009-08-11
fingerprint = 1688 A3D6 F0BD E4DF 2E6B 06AA B6A9 BA6A A59B 1171
uid Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr>
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