Bug#599450: qtiplot: New upstream version (

Alex Valavanis valavanisalex at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 16:31:18 UTC 2010

Package: qtiplot
Version: 0.9.8-2
Severity: normal

Please update the package to the latest upstream version

2010/09/02 - QtiPlot released. This is a bug fixing release:

A bug affecting changing of the scale type in 2D plots was fixed.
Multiple columns selection in tables using the "Shift" key was fixed.
Restoring texts from OriginLab projects was improved.
Now it is possible to reset the default options via the "Preferences..." dialog.
By default QtiPlot now opens the last used project.
The confirmation dialog for updates searching can now be disabled.
The user manual was improved.

2010/08/26 - QtiPlot released:

This release improves the user interface for 2D plots:
Now the user has the possibility, via the 2D plot dialog, to
edit/delete all other plot objects besides curves and also to
rearrange the curves.
The possibility to specify the axes for the new curves in the
"Add/Remove curves..." dialog was added.
Now it is possible to specify a default behavior for the plot grid
using the "Preferences..." dialog.
The possibility to disable antialiasing for 2D plot curves displaying
large datasets was also added.
The look and feel of the baseline dialog was improved.

Other important improvements concerning 2D plots are:
Now QtiPlot correctly renders stacked bar plots.
The export of 2D plots to vectorial formats was fixed.
Support was added for exporting 2D plots to the Enhanced Metafile
Format (.emf) on Unix-like systems.

General improvements:
When a single ascii file is dragged and dropped onto QtiPlot, the
"Import Ascii..." dialog pops-up.
Changing the axes range in 3D plots was fixed.
A few other minor bugs were fixed.

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