Bug#599450: released

Alex Valavanis valavanisalex at gmail.com
Tue Oct 19 14:00:48 UTC 2010

2010/10/12 - QtiPlot released:

A lot of new features are available in the matrix module:
Added support for expanding/shrinking matrices using bilinear/bicubic
Matrices can now be smoothed using bilinear interpolation.
Implemented table to matrix conversion for sparse XYZ data.
Improved table to matrix conversion for uniform XYZ data.
This release highly improves the QtiPlot/Python scripting engine:
Standard Python scope rules are now honoured.
Python API for 2D plots was improved: support was added for error
bars, box and whiskers plots, pie plots and vector curves.
Added the possibility to run all Python scripts in a user defined
folder on QtiPlot startup.
QtiPlot can also be run in server mode.
General improvements:
The import of OriginLab projects has been greatly improved.
Improved auto completion: table column names are also suggested to the user.
Improved output of the FFT routines.

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