Bug#594046: libpetsc3.1: C++ version should live in -cxx-{debug, opt}, not -c-{debug, opt}

Adam C Powell IV hazelsct at debian.org
Tue Oct 26 11:30:49 UTC 2010

Hello Juha,

On Mon, 2010-08-23 at 11:27 +0100, Juha Jäykkä wrote:
> Package: libpetsc3.1
> Version: 3.1.dfsg-7
> Severity: wishlist
> PETSc, when compiled with C++ as C-language, should be installed in 
> $(PETSC_ARCH)-cxx-opt, not in $(PETSC_ARCH)-c-opt. This is required by various
> third party libraries that depend on PETSc, such as TAO. It should be ok to 
> symlink c-opt to cxx-opt (or the other way around).

Okay, I'll go ahead and make this symlink.

> I admit, this distinction
> between cxx and c versions of the library, where --with-c-support gives 
> c-compatibility anyway, is strange to me. I have the third party libraries
> compiled with CC, but all my own code is C and compiled with cc anyway, so I
> am fairly certain there is no need for PETSc --with-c-language=C version at
> all, but perhaps some exotic environment requires that - I do not know.
> The best solution would be, I think, to have both cxx and c versions available,
> but then we would have the immediate problem of which version gets used if both 
> are installed. Perhaps the alternatives-system can handle that and anyone wishing
> to use the non-default version would just set PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH manually?
> Or is there a nicer solution?

I think if upstream has figured out a way to support both C++ and C in
the same libraries, I'd like to leave it as such, it's simpler for
everyone that way.  Right?

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