Bug#597739: Salome: cannot load module salomeloader

Alain Leufroy alain.leufroy at logilab.fr
Wed Sep 29 15:04:53 UTC 2010

Hi Adam,

I've worked a little bit on this problem with André.

We see that the problem is about the fact that the Salome python modules site in
the ``salome/`` directory whereas it is not interpreted as a package by python
(``salome/__init__.py`` is missing) and all python code import these modules
As a consequence the ``salome/`` directory must be added to the PYTHONPATH (as
done in runSalome).

But when calling ``salomeloader`` the PYTHONPATH was not modified.
We found two kinds of solution.

1. Letting the install as clean as it is and expecting that advanced user
correctly set the PYTHONPATH:

 $ PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/salome/ salomeloader

 2. Putting all the salome python modules directly in the standard site packages
 ($prefix/lib/python/dist-packages/ instead of
 $prefix/lib/python/dist-packages/salome). This allow to run ``salomeloader``
 directly but the install will mess with every (too many ?) salome internal
 modules. And we may get potential conflicts.
 In order to achieve this, you can add:
 ``mv ../debian/salome/usr/lib/python*/*-packages/salome/* ../debian/salome/usr/lib/python*/*-packages/``
 to debian/rules after installation.

Which solution suits you as you are the debian package maintainer?

Alain Leufroy chez http://www.logilab.fr/ en Informatique scientifique & gestion de connaissances
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