mclibs_20061220+dfsg3-1_i386.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
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Fri Apr 1 14:58:22 UTC 2011
(new) cernlib-montecarlo_20061220+dfsg3-1_all.deb optional science
CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries
CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for
use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other
fields such as the biological sciences.
This metapackage provides various Monte Carlo libraries included in CERNLIB
(both shared and static). Likely only physicists will be interested in
these packages. Note that the GEANT 3.21 framework is not included, but it
may be obtained by also installing the geant321 Debian package.
Be aware that the libraries of Ariadne, Fritiof, Jetset, Lepto, and Pythia are
not available within Debian due to licensing issues; see the README.Debian
file in the montecarlo-base package for information on obtaining them.
(new) libcojets2-dev_20061220+dfsg3-1_i386.deb optional libdevel
[Physics] COJETS p-p and pbar-p interaction Monte Carlo
COJETS is a Monte Carlo library which simulates pbar-p and p-p interactions at
high energy. The interaction process is first calculated at the parton level
by means of perturbative QCD and the Weinberg-Salam model for electroweak
interactions. Partons are then independently fragmented into jets of hadrons,
according to the Field-Feynman model, and the beam jets contribution is
added, according to a longitudinal phase-space model. Multiple QCD radiation
of initial and final partons is included.
This is the static version of the library. The package also includes
FORTRAN header files and documentation for COJETS.
(new) libcojets2-gfortran_20061220+dfsg3-1_i386.deb optional libs
[Physics] COJETS p-p and pbar-p interaction Monte Carlo library
COJETS is a Monte Carlo library which simulates pbar-p and p-p interactions at
high energy. The interaction process is first calculated at the parton level
by means of perturbative QCD and the Weinberg-Salam model for electroweak
interactions. Partons are then independently fragmented into jets of hadrons,
according to the Field-Feynman model, and the beam jets contribution is
added, according to a longitudinal phase-space model. Multiple QCD radiation
of initial and final partons is included.
Note that in order to compile and link programs against this library, you
must also install the libcojets2-dev package.
(new) libeurodec1-dev_20061220+dfsg3-1_i386.deb optional libdevel
[Physics] Monte Carlo library for quark / heavy lepton decays
Eurodec is a general purpose Monte Carlo library for the fragmentation and
decay of quarks, di-quarks, heavy leptons, etc. It can be used with the
included event generator EUROJET, or with your own event generator.
This is the static version of the library. FORTRAN header files are also
(new) libeurodec1-gfortran_20061220+dfsg3-1_i386.deb optional libs
[Physics] Monte Carlo library for quark and heavy lepton decays
Eurodec is a general purpose Monte Carlo library for the fragmentation and
decay of quarks, di-quarks, heavy leptons, etc. It can be used with the
included event generator EUROJET, or with your own event generator.
Note that in order to compile and link programs against this library, you
must also install the libeurodec1-dev package.
(new) libherwig59-2-dev_20061220+dfsg3-1_i386.deb optional libdevel
[Physics] Monte Carlo event generator for hadrons (development)
HERWIG is a general-purpose event generator for high energy hadronic
processes, with particular emphasis on the detailed simulation of
QCD parton showers.
This is the static version of the library. Also included are a FORTRAN
header file and some documentation.
(new) libherwig59-2-gfortran_20061220+dfsg3-1_i386.deb optional libs
[Physics] Monte Carlo event generator simulating hadronic events
HERWIG is a general-purpose event generator for high energy hadronic
processes, with particular emphasis on the detailed simulation of
QCD parton showers.
Note that in order to compile and link programs against this library, you
must also install the libherwig59-2-dev package.
(new) libisajet758-3-dev_20061220+dfsg3-1_i386.deb optional libdevel
[Physics] Monte Carlo generator for proton/electron reactions
ISAJET is a Monte Carlo library which simulates p-p, pbar-p, and e+ e-
interactions at high energies. The library is based on perturbative QCD
combined with phenomenological models for parton and beam jet fragmentation.
ISAJET incorporates ISASUSY, which evaluates branching ratios for the minimal
supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model.
This is the static version of the library. Also included are FORTRAN header
files and some documentation.
(new) libisajet758-3-gfortran_20061220+dfsg3-1_i386.deb optional libs
[Physics] Monte Carlo generator for proton / electron reactions
ISAJET is a Monte Carlo library which simulates p-p, pbar-p, and e+ e-
interactions at high energies. The library is based on perturbative QCD
combined with phenomenological models for parton and beam jet fragmentation.
ISAJET incorporates ISASUSY, which evaluates branching ratios for the minimal
supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model.
Note that in order to compile and link programs against this library, you
must also install the libisajet758-3-dev package.
(new) libpdflib804-2-dev_20061220+dfsg3-1_i386.deb optional libdevel
[Physics] Comprehensive library of parton density functions
The PDFLIB package gathers about 100 different sets of Parton Density
Functions into a comprehensive library in a consistent way. Density functions
are available for the nucleon, pion and photon. The library also allows the
calculation of the strong force coupling constant to first or second order
at a given value of Q-squared.
This is the static version of the library. Also included are FORTRAN
header files and some documentation.
(new) libpdflib804-2-gfortran_20061220+dfsg3-1_i386.deb optional libs
[Physics] Comprehensive library of parton density functions
The PDFLIB package gathers about 100 different sets of Parton Density
Functions into a comprehensive library in a consistent way. Density functions
are available for the nucleon, pion and photon. The library also allows the
calculation of the strong force coupling constant to first or second order
at a given value of Q-squared.
Note that in order to compile and link programs against this library, you
must also install the libpdflib804-2-dev package.
(new) libphotos202-1-gfortran_20061220+dfsg3-1_i386.deb optional libs
[Physics] Monte Carlo simulation of photon radiation in decays
The PHOTOS library simulates QED photon radiative corrections in
electromagnetic decays. The library is universal; it allows for easy
interface with any program generating decays of any particle. It can be
used to estimate the size of the QED bremsstrahlung in leading-logarithmic
approximation. The proper soft photon behavior is also reproduced.
Note that in order to compile and link programs against this library, you
must also install the libphotos202-dev package.
(new) libphotos202-dev_20061220+dfsg3-1_i386.deb optional libdevel
[Physics] Monte Carlo simulation of photon radiation in decays
The PHOTOS library simulates QED photon radiative corrections in
electromagnetic decays. The library is universal; it allows for easy
interface with any program generating decays of any particle. It can be
used to estimate the size of the QED bremsstrahlung in leading-logarithmic
approximation. The proper soft photon behavior is also reproduced.
This is the static version of the library.
(new) libphtools2-dev_20061220+dfsg3-1_i386.deb optional libdevel
[Physics] General purpose Monte Carlo routines (development files)
This library contains three main routines. FOWL allows calculation of phase
space distributions arising from particle interactions, generated in a
Lorentz-invariant way. GENBOD is an N-body event generator, taking as
input the center-of-mass energy, number and masses of outgoing particles.
WICO traces a ray geometrically in a "Winston Cone" light concentrator.
This is the static version of the library.
(new) libphtools2-gfortran_20061220+dfsg3-1_i386.deb optional libs
[Physics] General purpose Monte Carlo routines
This library contains three main routines. FOWL allows calculation of phase
space distributions arising from particle interactions, generated in a
Lorentz-invariant way. GENBOD is an N-body event generator, taking as
input the center-of-mass energy, number and masses of outgoing particles.
WICO traces a ray geometrically in a "Winston Cone" light concentrator.
Note that in order to compile and link programs against this library, you
must also install the libphtools2-dev package.
(new) mclibs_20061220+dfsg3-1.debian.tar.gz optional science
(new) mclibs_20061220+dfsg3-1.dsc optional science
(new) mclibs_20061220+dfsg3.orig.tar.gz optional science
(new) montecarlo-base_20061220+dfsg3-1_all.deb optional science
[Physics] Common files for CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries
CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for
use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other
fields such as the biological sciences.
This package contains common files for CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries,
including a README.Debian file that explains how to obtain the libraries
of Ariadne, Fritiof, Jetset, Lepto, and Pythia.
(new) montecarlo-data_20061220+dfsg3-1_all.deb optional science
[Physics] data for CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries
CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for
use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other
fields such as the biological sciences.
This package provides data files for three Monte Carlo frameworks: COJETS,
Eurodec, and ISAJET. Although these data files are not strictly required
(programs based on these frameworks may use locally supplied data instead),
most people using one of these Monte Carlo generators will probably want
to install this package.
The paths to the data files typically must be supplied to programs that are
written to use these frameworks, either in the source code or interactively
at runtime. This package places the data files cojets.dat, eurodec.dat and
isajet.dat into the directory /usr/share/montecarlo-data.
Changes: mclibs (20061220+dfsg3-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New maintainer. Thanks Kevin B. McCarty for contributing to the HEP
free software community over the years. (Closes: #619394)
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1
- debian/copyright: specify current version of GPL.
- change upstream version to 20061220, hence repackage orig.tar.gz.
- Add ${misc:Depends} to debian/control Depends for all binary
- debian/control.d/{libcojets2,libherwig59-2,libisajet758-3,
libpdflib804-2,libphtools2}-dev.control: change "Conflicts" to
* Remove duplicated "section" field from control files:
- debian/control.d/cernlib-montecarlo.control
- debian/control.d/montecarlo-base.control
- debian/control.d/montecarlo-data.control
* debian/source/format: set source format to 1.0.
* debian/source/lintian-overrides: add overrides
- duplicate-short-description libpdflib804-2-dev libpdflib804-2-gfortran
- duplicate-short-description libphotos202-1-gfortran libphotos202-dev
- debian-watch-file-is-missing: the upstream is dead.
* debian/lintian-overrides/{libcojets2,libeurodec1,libherwig59-2,
override no-symbols-control-file.
* debian/control.d/0base.control: add Vcs-{Git,Browser} and Homepage
[ Sylvestre Ledru ]
* Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
Override entries for your package:
Announcing to debian-devel-changes at
Closing bugs: 619394
Your package contains new components which requires manual editing of
the override file. It is ok otherwise, so please be patient. New
packages are usually added to the override file about once a week.
You may have gotten the distribution wrong. You'll get warnings above
if files already exist in other distributions.
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