Bug#638943: New upstream version
Alex Valavanis
valavanisalex at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 08:09:16 UTC 2011
Package: qtiplot
A new version is available upstream. Please consider updating the
Debian package. Upstream changelog head is as follows:
2011/07/14 - QtiPlot released:
This release brings many improvements:
The import of OriginLab projects was highly improved: all versions
from Origin 4.1 to 8.5.1 are now supported.
Improved import of Excel files: it is now possible to import them via
Improved the matrix resample dialog: now it is possible to freely
resize a matrix.
Improvements and bug fixes to 2D FFT dialog. Added support for 2D FFTs
to Python scripting engine.
Improved handling of linear color maps.
Improved image profile tool: added the possibility to average over
several pixels.
Improved the 3D plot dialog: added the possibility to view/modify axes rotation.
Added support for the regular modified cylindrical Bessel functions
(I0, I1, In).
Implemented the possibility to draw grid on top of data in 2D plots.
Bug fixes:
Fixed restoring of maximized 2D plot windows.
Fixed a bug leading to clipped scale numbers when printing in high resolution.
Fixed table calculations envolving date/time columns.
Fixed resizing of matrix windows in image view mode: the image is not
distorted anymore.
Fixed crash when deleting several project folders at once.
Fixed spurious white page in print all plots function and added a key
shortcut to it.
2011/05/09 - QtiPlot released:
This release brings many new features and improvements:
Waterfall plots were completely refactored and now it is possible to
display multiple waterfall plots in the same plot window.
Improved the script window.
Added a new integration dialog (feature request #005293).
Added an image preview in the export dialog (feature request #005311).
Added the possibility to compress images exported to the TIFF format
(feature request #005313).
Improved internal handling of date/time values.
Improved table sorting.
Improved import ASCII dialog so that all lines containing a custom
string can be ignored.
Added the possibility to enable/disable the display of gaps in 2D plot
curves generated from table columns with empty cells.
Improved 2D plot details dialog: added the possibility to hide/show
curves and plot objects and the possibility to edit the data range of
plot curves.
Improved drawing of axis breaks.
Bug fixes:
Fixed import of ASCII files to matrices.
Fixed import of table templates.
Fixed import of empty table values from ASCII files.
Fixed sorting of date/time data sets.
Fixed restoring of table statistics.
2011/03/18 - QtiPlot released: this release brings support for
the import of Origin 8.5 projects and fixes some major bugs.
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