Bug#618168: Gfortran module issue

Damien Caliste damien.caliste at cea.fr
Mon Jun 27 11:52:37 UTC 2011


   It seems to me that the issue comes from the fact that NetCDF has
been compiled with gfortran 4.4 (current version
of /usr/include/netcdf.mod from libnetcdf-dev) while current gfortran
compiler is 4.6. So when the configure of ETSF_IO tries to compile a
test from NetCDF written in Fortran, it fails because of the
NetCDF module being not-usable.

   This small code doesn't compile currently in Debian:
program foo
  use netcdf

  call nf90_open("toto.nc")
end program foo
   gives :
caliste at coriandre:~/tmp$ gfortran -I /usr/include -c toto.f90

  use netcdf
Fatal Error: Wrong module version '0' (expected '6') for file
'netcdf.mod' opened at (1)

While with gfortran-4.4:
caliste at coriandre:~/tmp$ gfortran-4.4 -I /usr/include -c toto.f90

  use netcdf

  call nf90_open("toto.nc")
Error: 'nf90_open' at (1) has a type, which is not consistent with the
CALL at (2)

The module file is correctly understood and raise a comoilation

The solution would be to force gfortran 4.4 for ETSF_IO but it's not
clean. The other solution would be to rebuild automatically every
package that exposes a Fortran module file at each gfortran update.


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