Bug#626352: arguments for bug

Tomáš Hnyk tomashnyk at gmail.com
Thu May 12 20:59:58 UTC 2011

> Nice to hear that others consider my decision for recommends reasonable.
> The original poster might like to reread the guidelines when to use
> Depends and when Recommends.
Do you mean this:  
http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html ?

This declares an absolute dependency
The Depends field should be used if the depended-on package is required  
for the depending package to provide a significant amount of functionality.


This declares a strong, but not absolute, dependency.

The Recommends field should list packages that would be found together  
with this one in all but unusual installations."

> The fact that many <x>-data packages are
> Depends is just because they fit the criterion that the package <x>  
> really
> does not work without <x>-data.  This is not the case for texmaker.

Well, at least for the translations, I think that amounts to "significant  
amount of functionality" - consider someone who only speaks French and  
uses her system in French. If she installs with --no-install-recommends,  
she will get a program with interface she does not understand. Therefore,  
she will not be able to use the program or only with utmost difficulty.  
Therefore, the program will not be functioning for her. I think that is  
the reasoning of many of the <x> packages.

So I will once again propose to split texmaker-data into texmaker-data  
depending on texmaker and including the icons and the translations and  
texmaker-docs being recommended by texmaker.

> BTW, I'll be for 10 days on vaccation and will not be able to fix
> anything.  You might perfectly be able to convince other Debian Science
> team members to upload a patch which closes the bug, but I'm not
> available for this until end of May.

That is fine with me, I am in no hurry.


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