Request to be part of Debian Science.

Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.Fr
Tue May 24 07:26:46 UTC 2011


As I became DD, I would like to be added to the Debian-Science-Team with my new account.
You were right Sylvestre, I need to join the team with my Debian account.

So here it is: picca

I would like to keep also piccaf-guest until I did the migration from piccaf-guest.



GPG public key 4096R/4696E015 2011-02-14
    fingerprint = E92E 7E6E 9E9D A6B1 AA31  39DC 5632 906F 4696 E015
uid  Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <picca at>
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