Bug#644566: texmaker executable of amd64.deb 'is not aware' of user's environment variables

David Bremner bremner at debian.org
Mon Oct 10 22:19:36 UTC 2011

On Mon, 10 Oct 2011 16:10:05 -0300, David Pirotte <david at altosw.be> wrote:
> You maybe right saying that it is a desktop env problem on 64bits
> machines, but neither gnome neither xfce4, would it not be too much of
> a coincidence ? And as you said, why would it work on 32bits machines?
> I'll try to see if I can find more info, but I don't even know how to
> start and where to look ?

I tried TeXmaker on an i386 installation of sid, with xfce4, and it
worked as follows: starting from the menu, TEXINPUTS environment
variable from my login shell is not detected.  Starting from the
terminal, it (unsurprisingly) is. I can only suggest you try creating a
test user with no customization and try it from there.


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