Bug#657789: (no subject)

Julian Taylor jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com
Sat Feb 18 23:31:06 UTC 2012

the patch in that upstream bug is bogus, it will fail on all arches
except amd64.
It should not be applied in debian in that way.

The canonical way to solve this problem (if you don't want to use
pkg-config) is to try to compile and link to figure out if the library
is usable.
c = distutils.ccompiler.new_compiler()
c.has_function("lzo_version_date", libraries=("lzo2",)
(this is similar to AC_TRY_COMPILE in autotools)

the debian can also just disable the check as the package should know
exactly what is available during the build and runtime.
You will want to to fail when something goes wrong with the dependencies
and not hide the failure in some log message.

the LDFLAGS setting is not necessary, the toolchain is aware of the
multiarch paths already.

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