Bug#657089: RE : Bug#657089: Please reintroduce dh_numpy usage / easy numpy transitions

PICCA Frédéric-Emmanuel frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Wed Jan 25 06:27:55 UTC 2012

>The real reason I was filing this bug (before the discovery of dh_numpy
>call removal) was to ask, following #643873 discussion, if you could
>start calling dh_numpy with '--strict' argument (but that requires a
>compat version <<8 which was just bumped in the last upload).

> The good news is that this new upstream version appears to use Cython,
> not Pyrex, so --strict should not be necessary.

I have a question about dh_numpy, on my unstable system the man explain:

       The  helper  script  uses  the  information  stored  in  /usr/share/python/dist/python-numpy  to  generate the Depends information; that file is also used by
       dh_python2 (and from dh_pysupport when implemented) to generate the same set of Depends. This script allows you to not use dh_python2 if you don't want to.

what I understand is : dh_python2 do what dh_numpy is doing, but we provide dh_numpy in case you are not using dh_python2. so if you use dh_python2, no need to use dh_numpy. but it seems I am wrong ;)

and what is the exact meaning of --strict.



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