Bug#657089: Please reintroduce dh_numpy usage / easy numpy transitions

Jakub Wilk jwilk at debian.org
Sat Jan 28 12:52:17 UTC 2012

* Antonio Valentino <antonio.valentino at tiscali.it>, 2012-01-25, 09:14:
>>>We mainly depend on debheper >=8.1 in order to get a better support 
>>>for for sphinx doc.
>>How do you get "better support for sphinx doc" with debhelper >= 8.1? 
>>As the Sphinx maintainer, I'm deeply intrigued.
>oh, just small things:
>* dh_compress: Javascript files are not compressed, as these go with
>  (uncompressed) html files. Closes: #603553
>* dh_compress: Ignore objects.inv files, generated by Sphinx
>  documentation. Closes: #608907

Ah, these. Sorry, somehow I thought they were introduced much later. But 
then you also want this:
| debhelper (8.9.5) unstable; urgency=low
|   * dh_compress: Don't compress _sources documentation subdirectory
|     as used by python-sphinx. Closes: #637492

Jakub Wilk

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