[SCM] C++ bindings for GtkDatabox branch, master, updated. v0.9.1-4-g7d0c917

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Wed Jul 18 14:31:12 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 03:51:10PM +0200, Daniele E. Domenichelli wrote:
> Having another look at the policies, I found this:
> "[...]
> The next step only applies if you do not use the "master" branch for
> storing you debian work. In this case, the HEAD reference in the
> repository has to be set to point to the branch you are going to
> push to the repository, or cloning will fail. Assuming your
> Debian-specific changes are stored in a branch called "debian", do:
> $ echo 'ref: refs/heads/debian' > HEAD
> [...]"
> So I assume that it isn't a problem if the debian specific changes
> are stored in the debian branch... I think this makes a lot easier
> for me to maintain at the same time the upstream and the debian
> branches.

OK, fine for me if git-buildpackage does its job flawlessly.
However, did you do a

   git push --all

?  I obtained a fresh clone and get

$ git branch
* debian

> Also the other issue is if the package name (and the repository
> name) should be gtkdataboxmm or libgtkdataboxmm. What do you think?

I do not know if it is ironed out somewhere in policy but my gut feeling
somehow says a library package should feature a lib in the beginning of
the source name and thus also the repository name.  That was my
motivation to choose libgtkdatabox for the C version.  I do not insist
on this naming scheme - but you asked what I think.

Kind regards



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