trilinos_10.8.5.dfsg-1_amd64.changes REJECTED

Luca Falavigna ftpmaster at
Tue Jul 31 18:21:33 UTC 2012


one of our tireless trainees left some questions about your package:

* Python packaging is generally correct, but the package doesn't have a versioned
  depends on python-numpy nor does it use dh_numpy.  This is a recipe for tears.
  Using dh_numpy will help proper versioning of the numpy depends.

* Minor point, the X-Python-Version field in the binary control stanza for
  python-pytrilinos is a no-op that should be removed.

* Empty debian/ seems like it should be removed.

* debian/README.source doesn't need to mention quilt since it's source format 3.

* The library package doesn't match soname.  This was also in the sqeeze version
  of the package, but it's still wrong.  Even if upstream bumps sonumber every
  release, it still makes sense to have the versions match for proper transition.

* The cmake snippets in libtrilinos-dev are under a ~BSD like license which is
  not mentioned in debian/copyright.                                         

* This is also true for packages/epetraext/src/, although the wording is
  slightly different.

* Copyright years for Sandia's LGPL 2.1 code in the package are incomplete.
  packages/piro/src/Piro_ValidPiroParameters.cpp is copyright 2010.  Others,
  throughout the package are 2001 and 2009.

* packages/tpetra/doc/MatrixMatrixReport/snllineblk.eps is Copyright:
  ((C) 1987-1996 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved) -
  No sign of a license, so non-free and must be removed.

  Same with packages/tpetra/doc/MatrixMatrixReport/DOEbwlogo.eps.

  These copyrights appear to be embedded based on the epa files being created
  with Adobe Illustrator.  So these are not the preferred form of modification,
  regardles of the license.

* packages/amesos2/doc/amesos2_logo.eps, packages/PyTrilinos/doc/UsersGuide/snllineblk.eps,
    and packages/PyTrilinos/doc/UsersGuide/DOEbwlogo.eps appear to suffer similar problems.

* packages/PyTrilinos/doc/UsersGuide/PyTrilinos.eps:
  % This copyright applies to everything between here and the %%EndProlog:
  % Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.

* packages/rythmos/doc/design_document/snllineblk.eps:%%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1996 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved)
* packages/rythmos/doc/design_document/DOEbwlogo.eps:%%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1996 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved)

* There are quite a number of other eps files with apparently problematic coppyright claims.

* packages/rythmos/adapters/gaasp/tpl_src is Copyright (c) 2007-8 Colorado State University. (but GPL licensed)
  and not mentioned in debian/copyright.



Please feel free to respond to this email if you don't understand why
your files were rejected, or if you upload new files which address our

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