Bug#675207: [Dolfin] Please binNMU python-ufc against latest swig

Johannes Ring johannr at simula.no
Wed Jun 13 19:53:48 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 9:15 PM, Anders Logg <logg at simula.no> wrote:
> Does this break because we check the SWIG version in the JIT compiler,
> or because it actually breaks (with some link error)?

It is the version check that makes it break. This is the error message:

  OSError: PyDOLFIN was not compiled with the present version of swig.
  Install swig version 2.0.5 or recompiled PyDOLFIN with present swig

Both UFC and DOLFIN was built with SWIG 2.0.5, while 2.0.7 is the
current version in Debian unstable.


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