Bug#667158: add patch

Matthias Klose doko at debian.org
Fri May 4 00:22:28 UTC 2012

tags 667158 + patch

-------------- next part --------------
diff -Nru esys-particle-2.1/debian/changelog esys-particle-2.1/debian/changelog
--- esys-particle-2.1/debian/changelog	2012-04-03 17:43:40.000000000 +0000
+++ esys-particle-2.1/debian/changelog	2012-05-03 21:51:22.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+esys-particle (2.1-3.1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non maintainer upload.
+  * Fix build failure with GCC 4.7. Closes: #667158.
+ -- Matthias Klose <doko at debian.org>  Thu, 03 May 2012 23:38:53 +0200
 esys-particle (2.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * [2d540b8] Fix typo in fix_as-needed.patch. Caused import-module problems.
diff -Nru esys-particle-2.1/debian/patches/ftbfs-gcc-4.7.diff esys-particle-2.1/debian/patches/ftbfs-gcc-4.7.diff
--- esys-particle-2.1/debian/patches/ftbfs-gcc-4.7.diff	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ esys-particle-2.1/debian/patches/ftbfs-gcc-4.7.diff	2012-05-03 22:59:19.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+Index: esys-particle-2.1/Geometry/CircularNeighbourTable.hpp
+--- esys-particle-2.1.orig/Geometry/CircularNeighbourTable.hpp	2011-04-11 23:08:33.000000000 +0000
++++ esys-particle-2.1/Geometry/CircularNeighbourTable.hpp	2012-05-03 21:52:13.000000000 +0000
+@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@
+     void CircularNeighbourTable<TmplParticle>::insert(Particle *pParticle)
+     {
+       pParticle->moveTo(getModdedPosn(pParticle->getPos()));
+-      const Vec3L minIdx = getVecIndex(pParticle->getPos() - pParticle->getRad());
+-      const Vec3L maxIdx = getVecIndex(pParticle->getPos() + pParticle->getRad());
++      const Vec3L minIdx = this->getVecIndex(pParticle->getPos() - pParticle->getRad());
++      const Vec3L maxIdx = this->getVecIndex(pParticle->getPos() + pParticle->getRad());
+       this->insertInTable(pParticle, minIdx, maxIdx);
+       this->addInserted(pParticle);
+Index: esys-particle-2.1/pis/pi_storage_eb.hpp
+--- esys-particle-2.1.orig/pis/pi_storage_eb.hpp	2011-04-11 23:08:33.000000000 +0000
++++ esys-particle-2.1/pis/pi_storage_eb.hpp	2012-05-03 21:52:13.000000000 +0000
+@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
+ 	std::cerr << "trying to insert bond: particles with Id " << pids[0] << " , " << pids[1] << "not present!" << std::endl;
+       }
+       // insert it into interaction storage
+-      tryInsert(new_bond);
++      this->tryInsert(new_bond);
+     }
+   }
+ }
+Index: esys-particle-2.1/pis/pi_storage_ed.hpp
+--- esys-particle-2.1.orig/pis/pi_storage_ed.hpp	2011-04-11 23:08:33.000000000 +0000
++++ esys-particle-2.1/pis/pi_storage_ed.hpp	2012-05-03 21:58:29.374606789 +0000
+@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
+       // read a bond
+       new_bond.loadRestartData(iStream);
+       // insert it into interaction storage
+-      tryInsert(new_bond);
++      this->tryInsert(new_bond);
+     }
+   }
+ }
+Index: esys-particle-2.1/Geometry/CubicBoxPacker.hpp
+--- esys-particle-2.1.orig/Geometry/CubicBoxPacker.hpp	2011-04-11 23:08:33.000000000 +0000
++++ esys-particle-2.1/Geometry/CubicBoxPacker.hpp	2012-05-03 22:42:51.218705826 +0000
+@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@
+       while (pointIt.hasNext()) {
+         const Particle candidate =
+           getCandidateParticle(pointIt.next(), getCubicPackingRadius());
+-        if (particleFitsInBBoxWithNeighbours(candidate)) {
+-          createAndInsertParticle(candidate);
++        if (this->particleFitsInBBoxWithNeighbours(candidate)) {
++          this->createAndInsertParticle(candidate);
+         }
+       }
+     }
+Index: esys-particle-2.1/Geometry/RandomBoxPacker.hpp
+--- esys-particle-2.1.orig/Geometry/RandomBoxPacker.hpp	2011-04-11 23:08:33.000000000 +0000
++++ esys-particle-2.1/Geometry/RandomBoxPacker.hpp	2012-05-03 22:43:46.958707906 +0000
+@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@
+       while (it.hasNext())
+       {
+         const Particle p = it.next();
+-        createAndInsertParticle(p);
++        this->createAndInsertParticle(p);
+       }
+       it.logInfo();
+     }
+Index: esys-particle-2.1/Geometry/SphereFitter.h
+--- esys-particle-2.1.orig/Geometry/SphereFitter.h	2011-04-11 23:08:33.000000000 +0000
++++ esys-particle-2.1/Geometry/SphereFitter.h	2012-05-03 22:46:34.946714157 +0000
+@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
+             newParticle = moveToSurface(*(neighbours[0]), particle);
+           }
+         }
+-        if (newParticle.isValid() && !particleIsValid(newParticle)) {
++        if (newParticle.isValid() && !this->particleIsValid(newParticle)) {
+           newParticle = this->getInvalidParticle();
+           this->incrFailedFit();
+         } else if (newParticle.isValid()) {
+@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
+             }
+           }
+         }
+-        if (newParticle.isValid() && !particleIsValid(newParticle)) {
++        if (newParticle.isValid() && !this->particleIsValid(newParticle)) {
+           newParticle = this->getInvalidParticle();
+           this->incrFailedFit();
+         } else if (newParticle.isValid()) {
+@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
+             }
+           }
+         }
+-        if (newParticle.isValid() && !particleIsValid(newParticle)) {
++        if (newParticle.isValid() && !this->particleIsValid(newParticle)) {
+           newParticle = this->getInvalidParticle();
+           this->incrFailedFit();
+         } else if (newParticle.isValid()) {
+@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@
+             newParticle = findAFit(newParticle, neighbours);
+           }
+         }
+-        if (newParticle.isValid() && !particleIsValid(newParticle)) {
++        if (newParticle.isValid() && !this->particleIsValid(newParticle)) {
+           newParticle = this->getInvalidParticle();
+           this->incrFailedFit();
+         } else if (newParticle.isValid()) {
+@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@
+             newParticle = findAFit(newParticle, neighbours);
+           }
+         }
+-        if (newParticle.isValid() && !particleIsValid(newParticle)) {
++        if (newParticle.isValid() && !this->particleIsValid(newParticle)) {
+           newParticle = this->getInvalidParticle();
+           this->incrFailedFit();
+         } else if (newParticle.isValid()) {
+@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@
+             newParticle = findAFit(newParticle, neighbours, plane);
+           }
+         }
+-        if (newParticle.isValid() && !particleIsValid(newParticle)) {
++        if (newParticle.isValid() && !this->particleIsValid(newParticle)) {
+           newParticle = this->getInvalidParticle();
+           this->incrFailedFit();
+         } else if (newParticle.isValid()) {
+@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@
+             newParticle = findAFit(newParticle, neighbours, plane);
+           }
+         }
+-        if (newParticle.isValid() && !particleIsValid(newParticle)) {
++        if (newParticle.isValid() && !this->particleIsValid(newParticle)) {
+           newParticle = this->getInvalidParticle();
+           this->incrFailedFit();
+         } else if (newParticle.isValid()) {
+Index: esys-particle-2.1/Geometry/GrainRandomBoxPacker.hpp
+--- esys-particle-2.1.orig/Geometry/GrainRandomBoxPacker.hpp	2011-04-11 23:08:33.000000000 +0000
++++ esys-particle-2.1/Geometry/GrainRandomBoxPacker.hpp	2012-05-03 22:51:52.514725973 +0000
+@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
+       ParticleGrainGen &particleGrainGen
+     )
+     {
+-      setParticleGenerator(particleGrainGen);
++      this->setParticleGenerator(particleGrainGen);
+     }
+     template <typename TGrainGen, typename TGrainCol, template <typename TTGrainGen> class TRndPackWrap>
+@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
+       typename Grain::ParticleConstIterator it = grain.getParticleIterator();
+       while (it.hasNext())
+       {
+-        g.insertRef(createAndInsertParticle(it.next()));
++        g.insertRef(this->createAndInsertParticle(it.next()));
+       }
+       return g;
+     }
+@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@
+       GridIterator pointIt = GridIterator(this->getBBox(), this->getCubicPackingRadius());
+       while (pointIt.hasNext()) {
+         const Particle candidate =
+-          getCandidateParticle(pointIt.next(), this->getCubicPackingRadius());
+-        if (particleFitsInBBoxWithNeighbours(candidate)) {
++          this->getCandidateParticle(pointIt.next(), this->getCubicPackingRadius());
++        if (this->particleFitsInBBoxWithNeighbours(candidate)) {
+           createAndInsertGrain(getParticleGrainGen().getGrain(candidate));
+         }
+       }
+Index: esys-particle-2.1/Geometry/RandomSpherePacker.hpp
+--- esys-particle-2.1.orig/Geometry/RandomSpherePacker.hpp	2011-04-11 23:08:33.000000000 +0000
++++ esys-particle-2.1/Geometry/RandomSpherePacker.hpp	2012-05-03 22:51:19.314724736 +0000
+@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
+       while (it.hasNext())
+       {
+         const Particle p = it.next();
+-        createAndInsertParticle(p);
++        this->createAndInsertParticle(p);
+       }
+       it.logInfo();
+     }
+@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
+         (
+           particleFitsInBSphere(particle)
+           &&
+-          particleFitsWithNeighbours(particle)
++          this->particleFitsWithNeighbours(particle)
+         );
+     }
+@@ -395,9 +395,9 @@
+       GridIterator pointIt = GridIterator(this->getBBox(), this->getCubicPackingRadius());
+       while (pointIt.hasNext()) {
+         const Particle candidate =
+-          getCandidateParticle(pointIt.next(), this->getCubicPackingRadius());
++          this->getCandidateParticle(pointIt.next(), this->getCubicPackingRadius());
+         if (particleFitsInBSphereWithNeighbours(candidate)) {
+-          createAndInsertParticle(candidate);
++          this->createAndInsertParticle(candidate);
+         }
+       }
+     }
+Index: esys-particle-2.1/Python/esys/lsm/util/SetPy.hpp
+--- esys-particle-2.1.orig/Python/esys/lsm/util/SetPy.hpp	2011-04-11 23:08:33.000000000 +0000
++++ esys-particle-2.1/Python/esys/lsm/util/SetPy.hpp	2012-05-03 22:58:01.242739685 +0000
+@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
+       bpu::PythonIterIterator<TE> it(iterable);
+       while (it.hasNext())
+       {
+-        insert(it.next());
++        this->insert(it.next());
+       }
+     }
+Index: esys-particle-2.1/Python/esys/lsm/util/VectorPy.hpp
+--- esys-particle-2.1.orig/Python/esys/lsm/util/VectorPy.hpp	2011-04-11 23:08:33.000000000 +0000
++++ esys-particle-2.1/Python/esys/lsm/util/VectorPy.hpp	2012-05-03 22:59:15.622742456 +0000
+@@ -39,14 +39,14 @@
+       bpu::PythonIterIterator<TE> it(iterable);
+       while (it.hasNext())
+       {
+-        push_back(it.next());
++        this->push_back(it.next());
+       }
+     }
+     template <typename TE>
+     void VectorPy<TE>::append(const_reference e)
+     {
+-      push_back(e);
++      this->push_back(e);
+     }
+     template <typename TE>
diff -Nru esys-particle-2.1/debian/patches/series esys-particle-2.1/debian/patches/series
--- esys-particle-2.1/debian/patches/series	2012-01-26 20:37:54.000000000 +0000
+++ esys-particle-2.1/debian/patches/series	2012-05-03 21:52:07.000000000 +0000
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@

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