LDOMString.hxx in oce

D. Barbier bouzim at gmail.com
Tue May 22 15:02:09 UTC 2012

On 2012/5/22 D. Barbier wrote:
> 2012/5/22 Julien Cristau wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm working on a salome 6.x debian package for sid, and one of the tasks
>> is, I guess, to make sure it works with oce, since that appears to have
>> replaced the opencascade packages.  One problem I'm running into is that
>> the LDOMString.hxx file is no longer included in liboce-ocaf-lite-dev
>> since 0.9.1-1 (commit 743f1e38f644fc81b1fd94efdf90e0276b1d290d).  Was
>> that change intentional, and if yes what's the rationale and possible
>> replacement?
> Hi Julien,
> This header file is shipped upstream, this is an issue with the Debian
> package, feel free to file a bugreport.

... and while we are talking about oce, can you please explain to me
what prevents it from migrating into testing?

reports that binaries are missing on armel and armhf, but this is
normal because SONAME has been bumped.


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