Bug#687165: slepc: new major upstream release available

trophime christophe.trophime at lncmi.cnrs.fr
Wed Sep 12 15:03:56 UTC 2012

On Wed, 2012-09-12 at 16:33 +0200, Giacomo Mulas wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Sep 2012, trophime wrote:
> > I have just upload a tentative update in Debian Science svn repository
> > for 3.3-p2 version
> I am new to the Debian Science svn repository, would you mind giving me a
> link to how I can access it and get the newer slepc/petsc you uploaded to
> it?  Is it in the form of debian source packages, binary packages, just
> plain sources...  ?  Right now I am in the process of struggling to create
> petsc 3.3 binary packages, to later proceed with slepc 3.3; I'd rather like
> to know if I'm wasting time because it was done already (better than I'm
> doing) by you :)

Basically what you have to do is :
1) retrieve petsc from debian science git repository
2) rebuild petsc for your machine
3) install the newest petsc packages (NB it may breaks some
4) retrieve slepc from debian science svn repository
5) rebuild slepc for your machine
6) install the newest slepc packages (NB it may breaks some

Since this may break some dependencies on your machine I would suggest
to rebuild petsc/slepc with pbuilder/cowbuilder (see
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto#Troubleshooting_.22pbuilder_create.22 ). This way I would build your packages in a safer way.

Then to rebuild the eptsc/slepc package use git-buildpackage and
svn-buildpackge with pbuilder/cowbuilder.

Then you will certainly have to solve some issues with packages that
require 3.2 versions of petsc/slepc [dev] packages :(

Hope it helps

> Thanks in advance
> Giacomo

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