Bug#617931: gmsh: multiple licensing issues

Anton Gladky gladky.anton at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 17:18:10 UTC 2012

Hi all!

The upstream authors of GMSH kindly agreed
to add an license exception for the OCTPL [1]  (username: gmsh, password: gmsh).

  The copyright holders of Gmsh give you permission to combine Gmsh
  with code included in the standard release of TetGen (from Hang Si),
  Netgen (from Joachim Sch"oberl), Chaco (from Bruce Hendrickson and
  Robert Leland at Sandia National Laboratories), METIS (from
  George Karypis at the University of Minnesota) and OpenCASCADE (from
  Open CASCADE S.A.S) under their respective licenses. You may copy
  and distribute such a system following the terms of the GNU GPL
  for Gmsh and the licenses of the other code concerned, provided
  that you include the source code of that other code when and as the
  GNU GPL requires distribution of source code.

So I think Opencascade issue is solved.

GMSH links with GSL library (libgsl0ldbl) only on m68k-platform,
which is not officially supported by Debian. So the issue is not

So, I think the bug is resolved. I have done corresponding changes
in debian/copyright file and committed them to git-repo [2],

I am going to decrease the severity of the bug and close it by
the next upload.



[1] https://geuz.org/svn/gmsh/trunk/doc/LICENSE.txt
[2] http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=debian-science/packages/gmsh.git;a=commitdiff;h=671fb32dbdf6cdf5e57a9a6e7c3499a11c150f9b

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