Bug#617613: closed by Anton Gladky <gladk at debian.org> (Bug#617613: fixed in freecad 0.13.1830-dfsg-2)

Yorik van Havre yorik.vanhavre at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 13:42:20 UTC 2013

Hi Boris,

Hmm, what about Fedora? They have strict license policy as well.

Indeed, but AFAIK nobody raised issues there (yet)...

> Moreover, please have in mind that this is not Debian specific problem.
> Even
> your builds for MS Windows and Mac OS X were (are) illegal for
> distribution.
> But who cares there?..

As far as I could understand, everything comes from how you interpret the
custom license of OpenCasCade, and opinions about that subject vary...
As they have changed inside debian itself over time.

I just wanted you guys to be aware that it is a matter we are also aware of
on the FreeCAD side, and that we're doing everything we can to make things
work. The opencascade kernel gives us a lot of headache because of that
custom license of them, but using opencascade is unavoidable for us.

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